9am- Weightlifting Technique Snatch Pull + Low Hang Snatch Overhead Squat: Wk 3 3 x 5 (pause 3 seconds of 1,3,5) 10:15am- Endurance Endurance WOD 3 Rounds (35 Minute Cap) 800m Run 25 Pullups or Ring Rows 50 Pushup 75 Air Squats
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Classes at 8am and 9:15am, Open Gym normal hours 12 Year Anniversary Party at 11am!! CFWC Anniversary WOD, featuring favorites of all of our current trainers AMRAP 20 Minutes (rotate through all parts for 20 minutes) The Amie and Jenny University of Speed and Efficiency 21-15-9 Pullup Burpee to Target The TJ and Wiser College...
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WWPF- Running Clock 0:00 – 15:00 Work up to 2RM Hang Clean 17:00 – 30:00 13 Min AMRAP 30 Hang Clean, mix anyway 30 Alt Box Jumps, 24″/20″ *RD1: 135/93 , RD2: 165/103, RD3: 185/123, Rd4: 205/153 (stay at 205/153 for rest of time) 31:00 – 36:00 5 Min AMRAP Finisher 20 Bicep Curls 20...
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15 Minutes to a Heavy Snatch Then…… Crossfit Games Event 5 Remix 3 Rounds 3 Rope Climbs 15′ or 2 Legless Rope Climbs 400m Ski or Run 100m Sandbag Carry
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Deadlift: 6 RM 1 x 6+ @ 90% Then… For Time 100 Double Unders 80/60 Cal Bike or Ski 60 KB Snatches, 53/35 40 Burpees 20 Strict Toes 2 Bar
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15 Minutes to a Heavy Jerk Then….. In 18 Minutes 3 Rounds 400m Row or Run 5 Ground to Overhead 185/133 10 Chest to Bar Pullups 15 Ring Dips *Max Ring or Bar Muscle Ups with Remaining Time*
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Back Squat: 3 x 5 Then… 21-15-9 Front Squat, 135/93 Burpee Box Jump Over, 24/20
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Reminder: Please park around back, the parking lot is being sealed Olympic Lift Class: Snatch First Pull with 2 Sec Pause at knee + Pause Snatch (pause at knee 2 sec) Then….. OHS 3×5 (Week 2) Endurance: AMRAP 40 Minutes 10 Strict Pullups 200m Run 20 Push Ups 200m Run 30 Box Jumps 200m Run...
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Bench Press 8-8-8 Then…… Annie with a Twist 50-40-30-20-10 Double Under Sit Up *EMOM 5 Burpees, including at the start*
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WWPF 16 Min AMRAP 100m Sled PULL Relay 30 Synchronized Pistols 6 Alt Rope Climbs 16 Min AMRAP 100m Sled PUSH Relay 30 Synchronized Wall Balls, 20/14 12 Alt Strict Pull-ups
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