
November 4, 2019
EMOM 7 Minutes- Increase weight each minute 2 Snatch Then…… 25 Wall Balls 20 Snatch 95/63 7 Muscle Ups 25 Wall Balls 15 Snatch 135/93 7 Muscle Ups 25 Wall Balls 10 Snatch 155/103 7 Muscle Ups Brian K doing 20.2  
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TWOW: 1600m As fast as possible Then….3x800m at RPE 7, rest 3 minutes between each Skill WOD: -10 Minutes HS Practice, walk, static, obstacle, against wall, up to your skill level -3 x 45sec Hollow Body Handstand hold against wall, absolutely no arch, chin to chest -EMOM 5 Minutes 5 Strict Pullups AND 5 Strict...
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