10 Min EMOM: 3 Power Snatches (increase weight on min 2,4,6,8,10) Then… 12 Min AMRAP: 3 Weighted Strict Pullups, 53/35 6 Alt weighted Pistols, 53/35 9 Slapping Pushups Reminder: The next CrossFit Total will be this Saturday Jan 26th.  Warm-up: 9am-9:50am First Lift: 10:00am
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10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Floor Press  135/95 Deadlift 225/155 Power Clean 135/95 Use one bar and change your weight for each lift. “The Conversation” showing off her pearly whites at the Competitors Prep Summit this past weekend.
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HAPPY 32nd BIRTHDAY COACH JENNY BUTLER! COMPLETE THIS FOR TIME IN HER HONOR… 10 Rounds: 3 Squat Snatches, 155/115 2 Muscle-ups *CASH OUT: 32 KB SWINGS, 53/35 Happy Birthday Coach Jenny!    
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One of our members, Liz Dols, otherwise known to the 7:30am beginners class as “Pineapple” is currently undergoing another battle in her life. This weekend, we got the sad news that a tumor has been spotted in the left rear of her brain. She will be undergoing brain surgery early this week. As many of you may or may not know, Liz has already battled lung cancer and has been Crossfitting with 1 lung. Everyone needs to pray for Liz so she can have a speedy recovery and get back the the box and continue living a normal life again. We will have a card at the box this week for everyone to sign.
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10am: Oly Lifting Class 11am: Endurance For Time: 20 Hang Squat Snatches 115/75# 50 Double-Unders 30 KB Thrusters 24/16kg 50 Double-Unders 40 T2B 60′ Burpee Broad Jumps 40 BB Step-Ups 20″ 115/75# (front rack, alternating legs) 50 Double-Unders 30 Double KB Snatches 24/16kg 50 Double-Unders 20 Bar Muscle-Ups CFWC was proudly representing Saturday at the Competitors Prep Summit Competition.  Nice job everyone!
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