Front Squat 5, 5, 5 3 rounds for time 20 KBS @ 32kg/24kg 10 HSPU 10 Front Squat @ 65% of 1RM Squat under review
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Starting on 0:00 5rds of: 5 OHS Duck Walks (85/65…  OHS + Forward 5 steps + Stand-up + Backwards 5 steps = 1rep) 5 Parallette HSPU’s (w/ Ab Mat) Starting on 20:00 7 Minutes Burpees (6in jump) Starting on 32:00 1RM Clean Done.
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Crossfit Total deadlift back squat strict press   Warm up 9-9:45 First lift at 10am you will have 3 attempts at each lift.
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A Partners version from the Competitors Prep Summit Complete the following relay with a partner: 1 rope Climb 1 clean + 4 Walking lunges (135/95, 165/115, 195/135, 225/155) 1 clean + 4 Walking Lunges 8 Kb Snatches, 70/53 *Once each partner completes a round, increase bar weight Our 7:30am beginners member, Liz has undergone brain surgery to remove a tumor. Her surgery was a success and is currently in the beginning phase of recovery. There is a card at the box sitting at the front desk to sign. We would like to get this to her in the next couple of days.  
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Hang Power Clean 3×3 Then 5 Rounds of: 9 Hang Power Cleans (155/110) 15 Ring Pushups 21 Squats 7PM Strength Hang Power Clean 3×3 Power Clean 5×3 Post loads and times to comments:
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