9am: Yoga 10am: Oly Class 11am: Endurance 10 Rounds: 200m run 20 Air Squats 15 Push ups 10 Pullups 5 burpees *Rest 1 min between each round Bad Ankles = Bad Squats      
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The CrossFit Total 1 RM Back Squat (3 attempts) 1 RM Deadlift (3 attempts) 1RM Press (3 attempts) Schedule: 9am-10am: Warm-up 10:05am: First Lift *The CrossFit Total is a fun bench mark event that we hold every quarter to help measure  your strength level. You can be a beginner, intermediate or advanced athlete to participate. Not only is this a great event to track your progress , this is a great opportunity to workout with members that you don’t usually see and cheer them on to new personal records. Don’t be shy! NO REGULAR CLASSES ON THIS DAY
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5 Min EMOM: 3 Power Cleans, Heavy Then… W/A Partner, Complete the Following: 400m Run 42 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls, 95/65 50 Toes Through The Rings 40om Run 30 SDHP 40 Toes Through The Rings 400m Run 18 SDHP 30 Toes Through The Rings The CrossFit Total is this Saturday. For those of you who are new to the Dub-C, we do this every quarter to test your strength so you can measure your progress. This event is for ALL LEVELS . We will test your 1RM back squat, deadlift, and press. You will have 3 attempts to achieve the heaviest possible weight for each lift. We recommend you arrive between 9am – 9:30am to start warming up. The first lift will go off at 10:05.
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Thruster 7×1 Then: 12 min amrap 10 Thrusters 65/45 10 Pullups 7:30 Strength Class. Post Loads and rounds to comments:
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15 Min to Establish 1RM Snatch (Last 1RM Snatch = July 19th) Then.. For Time: 30 Ring Dips 30 Pistols, Alt 200m Weighted Run, 53/35 20 HSPU 20 Pistols, Alt 200m  Weighted Run 10 Bar MU 10 Pistols, Alt 200m Weighted Run    Having Trouble with pistols?  Try this progression in the video below.  Details at GymnasticsWOD
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