9am Yoga 10am Open Gym 11am Endurance Barbara 5 Rounds 20 pullups 30 pushups 40 situps 50 squats Rest 3 min between rounds. Post times of each round to comments:
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50 Walking Lunges 20 Overhead Squats, 95/65 lbs 20 V-ups 50 Walking Lunges 15 Overhead Squats, 95/65 lbs 15 V-ups 50 Walking Lunges 10 Overhead Squats, 95/65 lbs 10 V-ups
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Back Squat: 5 x 3 (12 min) Then… Partner AMRAP 15 Minutes: 20 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 20 Pull-ups 20 Pistols 20 KB Snatches, 53/35 (Alt Arms) *This workout runsĀ  like the Regionals Team WOD from this past year. Partner 2 may start Wall Ball Shots when partner 1 finishes the pullups. Partner 2 may never move ahead of partner 1. Get as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes   Another Partner Friday! (above: Dan & Deanna)      
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Deadlift 7×1 Then Mr Joshua (lite) 3 Rounds of 400 meter run 30 situps 15 Deadlift (250/175) 5pm Mobility: Class Canceled for tonight! 7:30 Strength Class Post loads and times to comments:  
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5 Min EMOM: 3 Power Snatches, Heavy Then… 3 Rounds: 400m Run 21 Power Snatches, 95/65 12 HSPU * Cash Out= 100DU   Please Wipe down everything you touch after using. This includes Pull-up bars, med balls, KB, Barbells, rings, ect…. If everyone does a little, we can help avoid the Plague!            
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