Test 1 RM OHS Then…. 21-15-9 OHS 135/95 Ring Dip Then…. 30 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95 40 Pushups   Together again!
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South Mountain CrossFit’s Rally in the Valley 2013 Master’s Men reppin the Dub-C Ninja Turtle, Steak&Eggs, Slim Shady and Steakfoose Congrats to all for their great performances including:  Maria and Bob’s first comp and new Clean PR’s, Maria wod WOD 1 of her division, Buttercup Hang Squat cleaning 255! and more than I can remember (gimme a break I did 4 WOD’s today) 3 rounds of Max Effort Handstand Push-ups  rest 1:3 this means rest 3x the amount of time it takes you to do the set then: From Rally in the Valley 2013 Championship WOD In 10 minutes 150 Double-Unders cash-in Then ascending ladder of Kettlebell swing 70/53 & Bar Muscle-ups 1 swing then 1 BMU, 2 swings then 2 BMU’s etc…scale Bar muscle-ups to chest to bar pull-ups and double unders to 450 singles
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9am- Yoga 10am- Open Gym 11am- Endurance WOD 4 Rounds: Each Round = 6 min cap RD 1 = 800m Run —-> Max Pullups —–2 min break—– RD 2 = 800m Run—->Max H.R. Pushups —-2 min break——- RD 3 = 800m Run—->Max Situps —–2 min break——- RD 4 = 800m Run—->Max Goblet Squats, 53/35 2nd Box Halloween WOD
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8am: Beginners Crossfit 9am: Crossfit 10am: Oly Class 15 min to Establish 1RM Clean & Jerk Then… 3 Rounds: 400m Run 21 Burpees 12 Front Squats, 155/115 (Scale w/65%-75% of 1rm clean) 1 Week away from the Barbells for Boobs Fundraiser. We encourage everyone to come out. All LEVELS are welcome! 9am: Registration (If you don’t have a fundraising page, donations are required at the door) 10am: Start  
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31 Min Running Clock W/A Partner: 12 Min: Establish 1RM Snatch —–1 Min Break——– 7 Min AMRAP: 5 Hang Snatch, 95/65 10 T2B 20 Air Squats —-1 Min Rest—– 10 Min AMRAP 200m run 15′, 30′, 45′- Farmers Walk Suicide, 70/53 Reunited!
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