10 Minutes to work up to a heavy Clean and Jerk Then…. 7 Minute Ladder (increase by 1 rep of each movement per round) 1 Front Squat 185/135 (Front squats come from the ground) 1 Ring Muscle Up 2 Front Squats 2 Ring Muscle Ups 3 3 4…….. 2 Minute Break Then…. 3 Minutes Max Bar Muscle Ups Then……with no rest 3 Minutes Max Burpees Zombie Baby’s sister in Cozumel  
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Bring Sally Up:  the coach will cue the song and you will squat everytime the song says down.  Simple 🙂 SEE VIDEO of WOD DEMO HERE RX 135/95 scale weight, using just a bar can be challenging   Then: 15min AMRAP 10 Supine Ring Rows (feet up on a box level with height of rings) 5L/5R Box step-ups 20″ box 53/35 KB (KB should be held in opposite hand of leg stepping up with suitcase style at side of the body)
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9am- Yoga 10am- Olympic Lifting with Coach Ryan 11am- Endurance WOD Hard Cindy AMRAP 25 Minutes 5 Strict Weighted Pullups 35/17.5 10 Ring Pushups 15 Weighted Squats 45/25 Every 5 Minutes 50 Double Unders     Alex The Alien goin for it with the same weight as my grandma
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Take 12 minutes to establish a Heavy Thruster Then.. “Jackie” 1000m Row 50 Thrusters 30 Pullups (scale w/band or  jumping pullups) *Rx = 45lb *Intermediate: 33lb *Beginner = 15lb Which one does not look like the other?        
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Whacky Wiser Partner Friday!!! The Wiser/Cherie birthday WOD 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of: Push Press (Wiser’s 95#/Cherie’s 65#) Pullups Sumo Dead lift High pull (Wiser’s 95#/Cherie’s 65#) Pushups Hang Squat Clean (Wiser’s 95#/Cherie’s 65#) Situps Each person must complete all rounds. Only one person goes at a time. The other person starts once all reps in the round are completed. Meaning Partner A will do all 10 push press, 10 pullups..etc.. Once complete partner B will do the same, then they both move to the 9s and so on.   Congratulations to Coach Marco who placed 2nd at last weekend’s Philadelphia Winter Warmer!        
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