8am: CrossFit 9am: Crossfit 10am: Open gym/Beat the Coach   10 min to establish a heavy Turkish Getup on both arms Then… 3 Rounds: 400m run 30 Walking lunges, 53/35 20 KB snatch, Alt 53/35 10 Weighted Pullups, 53/35 Support your Snatches & Jerks down at the Mid- Atlantic Regional $20 (cash or charge account) Oh..and HAPPY BIRTHDAY COACH NIKKI!
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With a partner, complete the following 50 Thrusters, 95/65 10 Rope Climbs 40 Thrusters, 115/75 8 Rope Climbs 30 Thrusters, 135/95 6 Rope Climbs * During thrusters, the bar may never touch the ground during the working set. Come join us Memorial day at 10am for the classic hero WOD “Murph”. 1 mile Run 100 pullups 200 pushups 300 air squats 1 mile run *scaled versions available.
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Romanian Dead Lift 5×8 Then: 15 Min Nate 2 Muscle Ups 4 Hand Stand Pushup 8 Kettle Bell Swing (2pood/1.5pood) Post Loads and Rounds to Comments: Above is quick video on Proper RDL form. The RDL is a great assistance strength movement to help attain new PRs in the Deadlift and Squat if done correctly.
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We will be hosting our annual Memorial Day Murph workout Monday May 26th at 10am. “Murph” 1 mile run 100 pullups 200 pushups 300 air squats 1 mile run  
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TEST: Find 1 RM Jerk ( 15 min) Then… “Grace” 30 Gound to OH, 135/95 Then…Cash out: Flight Simulator Practice (10 min cap) (complete DU in increments of 5 -10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50- 45……) Watch TEAM CFWC Snatches & Jerks live next weekend on the games site MID-ATLANTIC REGIONALS (MAY 23-25)
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