Press: 5-5-5 Then.. For Time: 200m Run 21 Power Cleans, 135/95 9 Strict Pullups, 53/26 (use your feet to hold the KB) 200m Run 15 Power Cleans 7 Strict Pullups 200m Run 9 Power Cleans 5 Strict Pullups CrossFit West Chester is hosting this seminar this weekend. Click HERE to sign up. Friday: No 5pm class Saturday: 8am Class ONLY! No 9am or 10am classes
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Back Squat 3-3-3 Then…. 7 Rounds 7 Power Snatch 115/85 7 OHS 7 Burpees Over Bar     Za forgot she had bangs.    
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Happy Birthday John “Pink Star” E.M.O.M for 5  min 1 Strict Pull-up – 1 Chest 2 Bar Pull-up – 1 Kipping Pull-up – 3 strict Toes 2 Bar Then 4 rounds for time 6 Handstand push-ups 9 Front squats 155/95 14 Knees 2 Elbows
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10am: Olympic Lifting 11am: Endurance 12noon:Yoga 4 Rounds 800m Run 25 Double Unders 15 Pullups 25 Superman *2 min rest between each round Congratulations to Kim Lewis, who qualified for USAW Nationals! She also tied the Pa state record, placed 2nd in her weight class, and was 3rd best lifter overall in all weight classes! Congrats to Za, who PR’d her total, and won 2nd place in her weight class! Also, congrats to Coach Jenny, who set a new Pa state record in her weight class, qualified for Nationals again, won 1st place in her weight class, and 2nd best lifter overall in all weight classes! Thanks to Coach Ryan for coaching them all!
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From Darin Deaton and the 40Fit Master’s Community “Rodney” This WOD is in memory of Rodney Harris who recently passed away. Rodney was 46 a great husband, father and friend. I met Rodney through our wives and has various contact with him over the years. We served on the Azleway Boy’s Ranch & Children’s Services board together. He was a great athlete and big guy! Have fun doing this WOD together, post pics here in the 40fit group and remember Rodney. “Rodney”… Burpee long jumps 50 reps (perform a burpee then long jump 2 foot take off, turn around and repeat) KB Swings 2/1.5 pd 40 reps Wall ball 20/14 30 reps KB Squat cleans 2/1.5 20 reps (10 ea arm) Muscle ups 10 reps (substitute 2 pull-ups and ring dips or scale based on capacity but perform 2 of each scaled movement 2:1) *35-39, 40-44, 45-49 perform as Rx...
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