Romanian Dead Lifts 3×7 Then: With a 20 minute Time Cap Perform: 10 Handstand pushups/ 2 pull-ups 9 Handstand pushups/ 4 pull-ups 8 Handstand pushups/ 6 pull-ups 7 Handstand pushups/ 8 pull-ups 6 Handstand pushups/ 10 pull-ups 5 Handstand pushups/ 12 pull-ups 4 Handstand pushups/ 14 pull-ups 3 Handstand pushups/ 16 pull-ups 2 Handstand pushups/ 18 pull-ups 1 Handstand pushups/ 20 pull-up Post Loads and Time to Comments
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7 Min EMOM Snatch + Hang Snatch (knee) + Hang Snatch (Mid thigh) For time: 9 Muscle ups 9 Snatches, 135/95 200m Run 7 Muscle ups 7 Snatches 200m Run 5 Muscle ups 5 Snatches 2oo m Run This Saturday is our 5 Year Anniversary WOD/Party!  
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Back Squat 3-3-3 @ 80-85% Then….. 3 Rounds 10 Push Jerks 165/115 20 Pistols Then….. Max Front Rack Lunges in 3 Minutes 165/115   Swany at Test Your Metal    
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Barbell Complex: Hint start w/ approximately 85% of 1RM Strict Press perform 5 sets 3 Barbell Rows 3 Power Cleans 3 Front Squats 3 Military Press 3 Back Squats 3 Good Mornings Then 3 RFT 25 Box Jump Overs 25 Toes 2 Bar 25 Wall Balls
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10 am- Olympic Lift Class 11 am- Endurance Reminder: No Yoga today 4 Rounds- 7 Minutes each round 400m Run Then 15 KB Swings 53/35 12 Burpee Pullups 9 KB Box Step Ups 24/20 *Score is worst round*   Don’t forget to wipe down, and put all of your equipment away after each workout, or you will be publicly shamed!      
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