Skill WOD 7 Minute AMRAP: 30′ Handstand walk Strict Pullups, Men – 6 / Ladies – 4 Then… 3 Rounds 15 Pullups 12 Burpees over bar 9 Hang Snatches, 135/93 Then… Max Effort Front Plank Just a reminder that Coach Jenny, Kim and Nikki will be lifting at the USA Weightlifting American Open Saturday December 13th in DC.   If you are interested in going down, Information is on the events board at the gym.  
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15 Minutes to work to a heavy Clean and Jerk Then… AMRAP 7 Minutes 30 Double Unders 3 Power Cleans 135/93 4 Front Rack Walking Lunges 3 Jerks Rest 2 Minutes Then… AMRAP 5 Minutes 20 Double Unders 3 Power Cleans 165/113 4 Front Rack Walking Lunges 3 Jerks Rest 2 Minutes Then….. AMRAP 3 Minutes 10 Double Unders 3 Power Cleans 185/133 4 Front Rack Walking Lunges 3 Jerks Amy F, doing her handstand practice  
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Strength:  Front Squat: 3 x 3 * 3 sec pause every rep Conditioning: 7 rounds for time 10 Single Arm KB Squat Clean Thruster 53/35 5L/5R 5 Wall Climbs
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10 am- Olympic Lifting 11 am- Endurance WOD 5 Rounds, 6 minutes per round Round 1: 800m Run, max pullups with remaining time 3 Minute Rest Round 2: 800m Run, max pushups with remaining time 3 Minute Rest Round 3: 800m Run, max sit ups 3 Minute Rest Round 4: 800m Run, max air squats 3 Minute Rest Round 5: 800m Run, max Burpees Cliff and Nicole at The Lumber Games  
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Deadlift 3-3-3 Then: 50 Double Unders 21 Deadlift 21 Dips 40 Double unders 15 Deadlift 15 Dips 30 Double unders 9 Deadlift 9 Dips 20 Double unders 3 Deadlift 3 Dips (225#/155#) Post Loads and times to comments and Zen:
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