EMOM 5 5 Touch and Go Power Snatches *Advanced- Try to increase weight each round* Then……With a 15 Minute Cap 50 Calorie Row 40 Pullups 30 Toes to Bar 20 Ring Muscle Ups or as many as possible with remaining time   Mike Braz, just after finishing his marathon  
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Front Squat 4×2 (3sec pause 1st rep only) Then: 4 rounds 10 Shoot Throughs 20 Wall Ball 20/14 Shoot throughs work the midline and shoulders both in flexion & extension. Start from a plank on paralettes or two boxes to an appropriate height. Do a push-up (chest should break the plane of hands), shoot your feet through and with arms locked out extend hips to ceiling. Complete a dip then shoot feet back through to plank support. Watch the video 🙂 The Parallette Shoot Through with Jeff Tucker:
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9am – Open Gym 10am: Olympic LIfting 11am: Endurance 4 Rounds – Complete as many reps as possible Station 1: 2 Minutes of Max Row for Cal Station 2: 2 Minutes of Max OH Lunges, 45lb/25lb Station 3: 2 Minutes of Max Strict Pullups Station 4: 2 Minutes of Max Double Unders * 2 Min Break between each round
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Fancy Nancy showing how it’s done! ♡ 10 rounds 1 Rope climb 5 burpees Increase by 2 burpees each round
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Press: 3-3-3 Then… Wacky Wiser Partner Friday 50-40-30-20-10 Cal Row Power Clean, 135/93 Toes 2 Bar Happy New Year CFWC
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