Bench Press: 3 x 5 Weighted Pullup: 3 x 5 Then.. Wacky Wiser Partner Friday “Partner Cindy” – 20 min amrap 5 Pullups 10 Pushups 15 Air Squats *Partners will switch after each round of Cindy. The partner who is NOT doing Cindy will attempt Max # DU * Rounds of Cindy + Double Unders = Final Score    
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De-load week Front Squat 3 x 3 @ 65% 3 x3 @ 70% 3 x3 @ 75% Then: 1000 Meter Row 50 wall balls (20/15) 20 Clean and Jerk (165/115) Post Loads and Times to Comments and Zen:
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Clean Grip RDL: 3 X 8 Front Plank: 3 x Max Effort Then… 21-15-9 Deadlift, 225/155 Box Jump, 24/20 *EMOM Death by burpee 9:30 keepin’ it real!
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EMOM 7-work up heavier every minute 2 Snatches (power or full) 3 OHS Then…. 30 Ring Muscle Ups for Time Every 2 Minutes: 2 Snatches (full depth) 185/133 Scale if not doing jumping muscle up or muscle up variation = 50 Pullups, 50  Ring Dips, broken up any way, with 2 Snatches every 2 minutes   Don’t forget to sign up for The Open! Go to Games.Crossfit.Com to sign up.  Choose Crossfit West Chester as your affiliate, and you’re ready! The Open will begin on February 26th.
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Deload week Back Squat 3 x 3 @ 65% 3 x3 @ 70% 3 x3 @ 75% F0r time: 50 trict medball knees 2 elbows (Strict knees2E’s while holding 10lb medball with your feet) *Everytime you break, 5 squat cleans 165/115* The Doakster, showing off his CFWC shirt in Israel.  
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