This WOD will be done by many Crossfit gyms across Pennsylvania today, and some in other states as far down as Florida.  It is done to honor the life of Jimmy Fordyce, a local Marine, who, 9 years ago died serving our country.  Thank you for your service, Jimmy. AMRAP 20 Minutes 9-7-5 Snatch 145/85 HSPU 15-10-5 KB Swing 70/53 Burpee 21-15-9 Thruster 95/63 Pullup *1 round equals all 3 metcons.  If you get through all 3 in less than 20 minutes, start back over with the 9-7-5 snatch/HSPU metcon.* Marine Sgt. James F. Fordyce 22, of Newton Square, Pennsylvania. Fordyce died when two CH-53 helicopters crashed into the Gulf of Aden in the vicinity of Ras Siyyan, northern Djibouti, while flying a training mission in the Godoria Range area. He was deployed to Djibouti as part of the Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa. He was assigned to Marine...
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G-Ham after his 1st Enduro WOD! Increase 1 rep max number you have been calculating your percentages by 5-10 lbs. Adjust percentages accordingly. Back Squat 1 set of 5 reps @ 75% 2×5 @ 80% 3×5 @ 85%  Allow 20-25 min Then: Running Clock for 12 min (single arm kettle bell movement alternating as necessary through the time frame) 1 Min Kettle Bell Squat Clean 53/35 1 min KB Shoulder 2 Over Head 53/35 2 min KB Squat Clean 2 min KB S2OH 3 min KB Squat Clean 3 min KB S2OH
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9am: Open Gym 10am: Olympic Liting 11am: Endurance Classs For Time: 150 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 100 Situps 150 Double Unders *3 burpee EMOM   Happy Birthday to Coach Kenny and Bernadette!  
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Press 3-3-3 Then 12 Min Amrap of: 5 Push Press 135/95 10 Box Jumps 15 Kettlebell Swing Post Loads and Times to Zen and Comments: Happy Valentine’s Day CFWC, Lets Get That Heart Pumping. 
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