Front Squat 1-1-1 Then: 4 Rounds of: 200 meter Run 12 Burpee over Bar 10 Power Snatch 135/93 Post Loads and Times to comments and Zen:
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1a RDL: 3 x 3 1b Weighted Strict Pullup: 3 x 3 Then… For Time: Break reps/order anyway 1 Mile Run 125  DU 50 Shoulder 2 OH, 135/93 Saturday Oct 24th!                
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15 Minutes to work up to a heavy Clean and Jerk (any way) Then….. AMRAP 12 Minutes 4 Ring Muscle Ups 8 Front Rack Lunges in Place 135/93 200m Run Daniel Kocotas lifting at University Nationals  
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5RM Back Squat then… 2 sets at 90 % On the Minute for 10 min: Odd:  12 kbs 53/35 Even:  12 burpees
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10 am- Olympic Lifting with Coach Ryan 11 am- Endurance 5 Rounds 400m Row 400m Run 30 Double Unders 15 T2B 2 Minute rests between rounds
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