TWOW-Track Workout of the Week-To be done on rest day as active rest 6x400m Run with 200m Walk recovery at RPE 8 or 80% Skill WOW 10 Minutes HS Walk Practice 3x ME UB Ring Muscle Ups, if new to muscle ups-10-15 total as unbroken as possible 3×10 UB Bar Muscle Ups (rest as needed in between) If you don’t have 10 UBĀ do 30 in fewest sets possible. Tabata L Sit Hold on Parallettes Extra Conditioning 1. 3 Rounds 20 Calorie Air Assault Bike 20 Alternating pistols 2. 10x Uphill prowler push 135/90 (push to front parking lot, not all the way up) rest as needed to keep them sprintish
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