TWOW: 1 Mile Time Trial (as fast as possible) 10 minute rest, then 10x100m Striders (long stride, about 60% speed) 100m walk back recovery Skill WOW: 10 Minute HS Walk Practice (if can walk 50ft unbroken, add obstacles) 3×45 sec hollow body holds against wall, absolutely no arch, chin tucked EMOM 5 Minutes: 1 Strict Ring Muscle up + 2 kipping Ring muscle ups (accumulate 10-15 ring muscle ups with no time constraint if new to muscle ups) Peg Board 1 ascent every other minute for 10 minutes (if new to peg board, go up as high as you feel comfortable) Extra Conditioning: 3 Rounds 30/20 Cal Assault Bike 20 Russian KB Swings 106lb/88lb And 3 Rounds 50ft HS Walk 50ft Axle Bar Front Rack Lunge 155/105 Rest as needed between rounds, not for time
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