TWOW: 6x 200m Sprint, all out sprint, 200m walk recoveries Skill WOD: 10 Minutes HS Practice, walk, static, obstacle, against wall, up to your skill level 30 Strict HSPU as unbroken as possible, use deficit if easily done unbroken Tabata C2B/Tabata T2B, alternate ever round for 4 rounds each. Keep perfect, long hollow body kip position No Muscle ups yet? Ring Work: 3×5 false grip strict ring pullups to chest, 3×10 ring dips with 2 second pause at bottom, 3×10 low ring banded muscle ups Bar Muscle up 3×5 kip to hip Extra WOD AMRAP 15 Minutes 10 D Ball Over Shoulder 150/100lb (must drop onto blue gymnastics mat. Do not drop directly onto floor!!!!) 7 Ring Muscle Ups 25Ft DB Lunge, regional standard (switch OH arm every round)
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