WWPF 15 Min to build to a heavy hang snatch Then…. Accumulate Reps Anyway. Both Partners work at the same time, but on different movements: 20 min cap 80 Cal Row 60 Hang Snatch, 95/63 40 Sandbag Clean & Jerk, 100/75 20 Legless Rope ClimbsRead more
5 Rounds-5 Minutes of work, 2 Minute break between 20/15 Cal Ski 50 Double Unders 20 GHD Sit-ups/Leg Raises/Weighted Sit-ups Max Reps Pullovers/Muscle UPS/Wall Climbs or any skill Read more
10 MIN EMOM 2 Clean and Jerks Then… OPEN 23.1 AMRAP 14 MIN 60 Cal Row 50 Toes 2 Bar 40 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 30 Cleans, 135/93 20 Ring Muscle UpsRead more
Box Squat 4×8 Full stop on the box, not tap and go. Box should be at, or just below parallel Then…. AMRAP 10 Minutes 20 DB Hang Snatch to Lunge, Alt 50/35 20 Burpees over DBRead more