Olympic Lifting Snatch: 1 Snatch + 2 OHS – work to a heavy single 10 Min EMOM: Clean & Jerk – Build in weight every minute Endurance – AMRAP 12 MINUTES 30 Box Jumps, 24/20 20 KB Swings, 70/53 10 Jumping Pull-ups (above max reach) AMRAP 12 MINUTES 40 Walking Lunge Steps, 45/33 40 Sit-up 40 Push Presses (45/33 lb) AMRAP 12 MINUTES 50 Double Unders 25 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 15 Burpees
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Choose a hero: Gale Force– AMRAP 30 minutes  20 Box Step-Ups with a weighted backpack (24/20 in, 50/35 lb) 23 Burpees-Over-Backpack 19 Air Squats When 30 minutes have elapsed, complete at least one more set of 19 Air Squats together as a group. Tom- AMRAP 25 Minutes  7 Ring Muscle UPS 11 Thrusters 155/103 14 Toes To Bar Falkel- AMRAP 25 Minutes  8 HSPU 8 Box Jumps 30/24 1 Rope Climb 15’
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Why CrossFit West Chester Is Ranked One of The Best Gyms In West Chester, Pennsylvania
WWPF- For Time 42 Hang Power Cleans, 135/93 1000m Row (partner holds front rack position for meters to count), switch as needed 21 Synchronized Bar Muscle Ups 30 Hang Power Cleans, 155/113 1000m Row (partner holds front rack position for meters to count), switch as needed 15 Synchronized BMU 18 Hang Power Cleans, 185/133 1000m Row (partner holds front rack position for meters to count), switch as needed 9 Synchronized BMU
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AMRAP 30 Minutes -Happy birthday to Julia (29) and Joe (30)!! 1 Rope Climb 18’ 29 Wall Balls 30 Cal Row 1 Rope Climb 18’ 29 Burpees Over Wall Ball 30 HSPU 1 Rope Climb 18’ 29 Box Jumps 24/20 30 GHD or Weighted Sit-ups 
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Not Linda 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Deadlift 300/213 Bench Press 185/113 DB Hang Clean (Squat) 50s/35s (2DBs)
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