8am, 9am and 10am Classes only Today
15 Min find 1 rep max Press
servings of:
21 PushPress
21 BoxJumps
18 PushPress
18 BoxJumps
15 PushPress
15 BoxJumps
12 Push Press
12 Box Jumps
9 Push Press
9 Box Jumps
6 Push Press
6 Box Jumps
3 Push Press
3 Box Jumps
(95# Toms/65#Hens)
*PressGiving Dessert:
75 Pushups
*There is no break between dinner and dessert
Post your Thankfulness to comments:

Here at CFWC we are very thankful for all of our amazing and awesome clients. You all have shaped CFWC into what it is today. Thank you all for your continued effort and postive attitudes. Thanks to you we are able to offer our 5th Thanksgiving WOD. -CFWC