1 Mile Run 100 Pull-ups 200 Push-ups 300 Air Squats 1 Mile Run *Super RX: wear a weight vest and complete straight through *RX: Complete straight through *Partner Murph *Modify: Complete pull-ups, push-ups, squats in any order *Beginners: 1/2 MurphRead More
Olympic Lifting Class: -Snatch Pull with 2 second Pause 3×3 @ 110% -Snatch Heavy Singles 5 reps @85%+ -Snatch Accessory Work: Behind the neck Sots Press 3×5 in absolute bottom position ENDURANCE WOD: Pick a Hero: Jenny Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:20 OHS 45/33 20 Back Squats 45/33 400m Run...Read More
WWPF 11 Min AMRAP 100 GHD Sit-ups (split reps anyway) *Max Synchronized Toes 2 Bar in remaining time 11 Min AMRAP 75/60 Cal Bike (split calories anyway) *Max Synchronized Burpees in remaining time 11 Min AMRAP 50 Devils Press, 50’s/35’s (split reps anyway) *Max Synchronized OH DB lunges in remaining timeRead More
Deadlift (wk1): 15 Min to establish a technical 1RM (Trap bar or Sumo are options) Then… 3 Rounds 400m Run 21 Box Jumps 15 Deadlifts, 225/153 (or 55% of 1RM) 9 Burpees over BarRead More