-Clean and Jerk – 5 heavy singles above 85% -Jerk Dips 3×5@100% Endurance: Can be broken into rounds, or done straight through 50/35 Cal Bike 60 Burpees 70 Russian KB Swings 53/35 800m Ski 90 Sit Ups 100 Back Squats 45/33 Run 1 MileRead More
10 Min AMRAP Sled Push for Max Distance, 90/45 10 Min AMRAP 15 GHD Sit-ups 1:00 Sandbag Hold(bear hug), 100/75 10 Min CAP 30 Muscle-up for time or 50 Burpee Pull-upsRead More
Olympic Lifting Technique -EMOM 10 Min: Clean Pull + Power Clean @ 85%+ Then… -Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch: 5 sets In either order: WOD 1: 500m Row 500m Run 400m Row 400m Run 300m Row 300m Run 200m Row 200m Run 100m Row 100m Run WOD 2: 2 Rounds 40/30 Cal Bike 40...Read More
WWPF 0:00 – 15:00 build to a max clean 17:00 – 35:00 17 min AMRAP 10 Alt Rope Climbs 20 Sandbag Ground 2 OS, 100/73 (mix reps anyway) 30 Alt Box Jumps, 30/24Read More