Olympic Lifting -Build to a heavy complex: 1 Snatch Pull + 1 Hang Snatch + 2 OHS Work Your Weakness: Pick 1 or 2 from below A. Clean Grip RDL: 5 x 5 B. Clean Pulls: 5 x 2 C. Jerk: 5 x 1 Endurance Pick your own adventure (do in any order) 300m Sandbag...Read More
WWPF 17 MIN AMRAP 40 Cal Ski (switch as needed) 50’/50′ sled push relay, heavy 40 Synchronized Plate G2OH, 45/25 17 MIN AMRAP 30 Cal Bike (switch as need) 150’/150′ Farmers Carry Relay, 70’s/53’s 30 Synchronized KB Swings, 70/53Read More
15 Minutes to a Heavy Clean and Jerk Then…. Happy 30th birthday to Selena!! 30 Rounds-25 Minute Cap 1 Clean and Jerk-Bodyweight 2 Bar Muscle Ups 3 Box Jumps-High Read More
Snatch: Test 1 RM Then… 24.1 Open WOD For time: 21 dumbbell snatches, arm 121 lateral burpees over dumbbell21 dumbbell snatches, arm 221 lateral burpees over dumbbell15 dumbbell snatches, arm 115 lateral burpees over dumbbell15 dumbbell snatches, arm 215 lateral burpees over dumbbell9 dumbbell snatches, arm 19 lateral burpees over dumbbell9 dumbbell snatches, arm 29...Read More
Olympic Lifting -Snatch High Pull + Low Hang Snatch: Every 2 min x 6 -2 Front Squats + 1 Jerk: Every 3 min x 5 Endurance AMRAP 12 Minutes 12 Med Ball Clusters (med ball clean + med ball slam) 21 Med Ball Situps 400m Ski AMRAP 12 Minutes 400m Bike (0.25m) 21 Kb Swings,...Read More
12 Minutes to a Heavy Snatch Pull + Snatch AMRAP 15 Minutes 10/8 Cal Bike or Ski 3 Pullovers or Muscle Ups or 5 Burpee Knees to Elbow 1 Snatch @80% Cashout: 150 Sit-ups or 75 GHD Sit-ups or 75 Toes to BarRead More
WWPruckF – 35 Min AMRAP 100 Synchronized Air Squats (use a med ball target) 2 Alt Rope Climbs 75 Cal Row (mix anyway) 2 Alt Rope Climbs 50 Synchronized Burpees Over Ruck 2 Alt Rope Climbs 25 Strict Pull-ups (mix reps anyway) 2 Alt Rope Climbs **ALL movements to be done with the ruck on...Read More