
9 am- Olympic Lift Technique with Amie 10 am- Endurance with Brian 11:15 am- Yoga with Brantlee Endurance WOD: AMRAP 35 Minutes 25 Strict Pullups 50 Pushups 75 Situps 100 Goblet  Squats 53/35 200 Double Unders *Must run 2 miles at some point, not broken up*
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Bench Press 5×3   Then:   5 Rounds 200 meter Run 10 Thrusters 95/63 10 Box Jumps 10 Pullups   Post Loads and Times to Zen and Comments?    
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WWPF 0:00 – 10:00 Establish a 3 Rep Max Front Squat   12:00 – 22:00 10 Min AMRAP Accumulate max Distance Prowler, 90/45 *Switching every 100m   24:00 – 34:00 10 Min AB-BLAST 21 Sit-ups 15 Russian Twist, 20/14 9 Toes Through Rings *Partner Holds Front Plank. Switch every round.       
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Jerk 2-2-2   Then   18 Min Amrap Of:   1000 Meter Row (or 800 Meter run) 50 Wall Balls 40 Double Unders 25 Toes to Bar 10 Clean and Jerks 165/113   Post Loads and Times to ZEN and Comments:  
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Deadlift: 4 sets x 3reps @85% Dips: 4 sets x 10 @AHAP   Then…   FOR TIME:    40 Pistols 400m Run  40 Alt Kb Swings, 70/53   30 Pistols 300m Run 30 Alt Kb Swings   20 Pistols 200m Run 20 Alt Kb Swings   10 Pistols 100m Run 10 Alt Kb Swings  ...
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EMOM 7 Minutes 1 Power Snatch 1 Snatch Then….. For Time: 30 Burpee Muscle Ups or 50 Burpee Pullups *Every 2 Minutes, including at start of the workout, perform 2 Snatches 145/103 or 65% of 1 RM* Coach Amie is always watching          
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TWOW: 4 x 400m Sandbag Runs (weight of your choice) at RPE 8. Rest as needed between rounds to keep times within 5 seconds each round Then 4x400m run without sandbag, RPE 8, as fast as possible.  Rest as needed to keep times within 5 minutes Skill WOD: -10 Minutes HS Practice, walk, static, obstacle,...
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Back Squat: 3 sets of 1-1-1-1 (15 sec rest between each rep)  2 sec neg no pause fast up   Then…   12 Min EMOM 1st Min: 12/10 Cal Bike 2nd Min: 15 Box Jumps, 24/20 3rd Min: 2 Rope Climbs   Congratulations to Jenny for winning 1st Place at the Pan American Weightlifting Masters...
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9am Oly 10am: Endur 11am: Yoga   Endurance: Complete the following in any order:   10 min EMOM 100m Sprint   2 min break   10 Min Ladder: 3-6-9-12…..and so on until time runs out Cal Row Burpee over rower   2 min break   10 Min AMRAP 30 Double Unders 20 Wall balls, 20/14...
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Bench Press: 5 x 5 @ 80% of 1rm Alt DB Bicep Curls: 5 x Max Effort   Then….   For Time 21 OHS, 95/63 9 Ring MU or 18 Pull-ups 15 OHS 7 Ring MU or 14 Pull-ups 9 OHS 5 Ring MU or 10 Pull-ups  
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