
TWOW: 10x 100m sprint forward, 100m jog backward Really focus on hamstrings on backward jog.  Sprint at 9 RPE jog at 5 RPE Skill WOD: -10 Minutes HS walk practice -3 x 45 sec Hollow Body Handstand hold against wall, absolutely no arch, chin to chest -EMOM 5 Minutes 5 Strict Pullups AND 5 Strict...
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Lunge 3 x 4 Then… 12 min AMRAP 10 Power Cleans 135/95 8 Push Jerks 6 Toes to bar 4 burpee over the bar
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9 am- Olympic Lift with Amie 10 am- Endurance No Yoga Today Endurance WOD: AMRAP 35 Minutes 10 Strict Pullups 20 Thrusters 45/33 30 Burpees 800m Run 750m Row or 40/30 Cal Bike or 35/25 Cal Ski Erg Rob, Cap, Steph and Erica placed first at the Kennett Brawl!
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Front Squat   3-3-3   Then   15 Min AMRAP   10 Hang Squat Cleans (115/83) 20 Pushups 10 Pullups   Post Loads and Times to ZEN and Comments:  
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WWPF 400m Run relay (both run 400m relay style) 13 Synchronized Strict Ring Dips 42 Deadlifts, 225/153  (mix anyway) 13 Synchronized Strict Pull-ups   400m Run Relay 13 Synchronized Strict Ring Dips 30 Deadlifts 13 Synchronized Strict Pull-ups   400m Run Relay 13 Synchronized Strict Ring Dips 18 Deadlifts 13 Synchronized Strict Pull-ups  
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Press 5-5-5   Then:   5 Rounds of:   10 DB Push Press (50/35) 10 Med Ball Cleans (20/14) 10 Burpee Over Ball   Post Loads and Times to ZEN and Comments:  
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10 Min AMRAP- “9/11 CardioYolo” 200m SandBag Run, 100/75 1 Legless Rope Climb   10 Min AMRAP- “9/11 StrengthNastics” 9 Clean & Jeks, 155/113 11 Box Jumps, 30/24   10 Min AMRAP – “9/11 Midline Mania” 125 Sit-ups (deaths at Pentagon) 77 Toes Through Rings (Flight 77),  *Complete the sit-ups and Toes Through Rings in any order...
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EMOM 7 Minutes 3 Hang Snatch Then….. 200′ DB OH Lunge (switch arms every 100′) 50/35 15/10 Cal Bike or Ski Erg 50 DB Snatch 15/10 Cal Bike or Ski Erg 30 HSPU 15/10 Cal Bike or Ski Erg 15 Burpee Muscle Ups or 20 Burpee Pullups 15/10 Cal Ski Erg 200′ DB OH Lunge...
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  Monday: 6am / 5:30pm Wednesday: 6am / 5:30pm Friday: 6am / 5:30pm    
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TWOW: 6x 200m Sprint, all out sprint, 200m walk recoveries Skill WOW: 10 Minutes HS walk practice -3 x 45 sec Hollow Body Handstand hold against wall, absolutely no arch, chin to chest -EMOM 5 Minutes 5 Strict Pullups AND 5 Strict HSPU (both every minute) -30X Handstand walk step ups onto 45lb plates, against...
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