
Power Clean: 3-3-2-2-1-1-1 Then… (20 Min)Partner Friday Relay 5 Power Cleans, 185/135 12 C2B Pullups 30 Lateral Jumps Steph V. finishing off “Grace” at last years Barbells For Boobs fundraiser Register HERE to start your own fundraising page (It’s FREE!). Sign up under CrossFit West Chester!        
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Power Snatch 3-3-2-2-1-1-1 Then: 12 Min AMRAP of: 3 Power Snatch (155/110) or 75% of 1RM 6 Knees to Elbow 9 Pushups 7:30 Strength Class Post Loads and Times to Comments:
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7 Min EMOM: Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Front Squat + Jerk Then… “Barbells For Boobs Training WOD” For Time: 200m run 21 C&J, 135/95 200m Run 15 C&J 200m Run 9 C&J CFWC will be hosting Barbells for Boobs Saturday Oct 26th. Register now and help save a pair!  
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EMOM 7 Minutes Snatch (squat) Hang Snatch (squat) OHS Then…. 21 OHS 135/95 9 Ring Muscle Ups 15 OHS 7 Ring Muscle Ups 9 OHS 5 Ring Muscle Ups   Happy Birthday, Truckster!!
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Press: 3 x 3 Then… 100 Hollow Body Rocks 100 Superman Rocks Then… 3 Rounds For Time: 1 Rope Climb 15′ (Legless) 10 Alternating KB shoulder to Overheads 53/35 (You will clean the KB or DB to shoulder then Press/Push Press/Jerk the weight to overhead) 20 Box Jumps 24/20    
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9am Yoga 10am Open Gym 11am Endurance Barbara 5 Rounds 20 pullups 30 pushups 40 situps 50 squats Rest 3 min between rounds. Post times of each round to comments:
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50 Walking Lunges 20 Overhead Squats, 95/65 lbs 20 V-ups 50 Walking Lunges 15 Overhead Squats, 95/65 lbs 15 V-ups 50 Walking Lunges 10 Overhead Squats, 95/65 lbs 10 V-ups
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Back Squat: 5 x 3 (12 min) Then… Partner AMRAP 15 Minutes: 20 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 20 Pull-ups 20 Pistols 20 KB Snatches, 53/35 (Alt Arms) *This workout runs  like the Regionals Team WOD from this past year. Partner 2 may start Wall Ball Shots when partner 1 finishes the pullups. Partner 2 may...
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Deadlift 7×1 Then Mr Joshua (lite) 3 Rounds of 400 meter run 30 situps 15 Deadlift (250/175) 5pm Mobility: Class Canceled for tonight! 7:30 Strength Class Post loads and times to comments:  
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5 Min EMOM: 3 Power Snatches, Heavy Then… 3 Rounds: 400m Run 21 Power Snatches, 95/65 12 HSPU * Cash Out= 100DU   Please Wipe down everything you touch after using. This includes Pull-up bars, med balls, KB, Barbells, rings, ect…. If everyone does a little, we can help avoid the Plague!      ...
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