AMRAP 5 Minutes 5 Strict Pullups 10 Pistols EMOM 7 3 Power Snatches Then…. 3 Rounds 100m Run 20 Burpees 100m Run 20 Toes to Bar 100m Run 20 Air Squats 100m Run 10 Power Snatch 135/95 *Perform burpees and air squats outside at gate where we run our 200m.* Meow Mix and Broke...Read More
Happy Father’s Day! 3 Rounds for time of the following KB complex (RX don’t put the KB down the entire round) 10 Kb Snatch 5L/ 5R, 70/53 10 Clean & Press 5L/5R 10 Goblet Squat 10 Goblet Lunges (5 ea. leg) Stepping back into lung knee must kiss the floor 10 1 arm alternating...Read More
10am: Open Gym 11am: Endurance WOD 30 Min AMRAP “Cindy” w/ a partner 200m Farmers Grip Carry, (2) 25lb/(2) 15lb plates While 1 person completes rounds of cindy, the other person will be doing farmers carry “grip style” Noon’ers showing off the wormRead More
*Reminder: No working out past 9 am due to the Fortify seminar Choose a Hero Ryan 5 Rounds 7 Ring Muscle Ups 21 Burpees OR…. Danny AMRAP 20 Minutes 30 Box Jumps or Step Ups 24/20 20 Push Press 115/85 30 Pullups Doug and ET during Partner FridayRead More
********NO 5pm Class Today!********** 12 minutes to establish a 10 step weighted walking lunge *W/ barbell in the front rack position Then… AMRAP 15 Minutes: 30 Cal Row 6 Rope Climbs 150ft wheel barrow walks The Fundraiser to get these guys to Salk Lake City for USA Weightlifting Nationals is Saturday June 28th! (Nikki and...Read More
Press: 5-5-5 Then.. For Time: 200m Run 21 Power Cleans, 135/95 9 Strict Pullups, 53/26 (use your feet to hold the KB) 200m Run 15 Power Cleans 7 Strict Pullups 200m Run 9 Power Cleans 5 Strict Pullups CrossFit West Chester is hosting this seminar this weekend. Click HERE to sign up. Friday: No 5pm...Read More