EMOM 15 Minutes Min 1: 4 Front Squats -Heavy Min 2: 12 Db or KB RDL-Heavy Min 3: 8 Lateral facing box step ups per leg (do all on one leg, then all on the other. Keep working leg on box until done.) Use db or plate to add weight Then…. AMRAP 12 Minutes 10 C2B...Read More
Olympic Lifting -High Hang High Pull + 1 Low Hang Snatch: 5 sets x 1 (starting at 70%) -1 Power Clean & Jerk every :90 for 8 Rounds Endurance 17 MIn AMRAP 50/40 Cal Row/Ski 30 Thrusters, 45/33 10 Burpee Pull-ups 17 Min AMRAP 75 Double Unders 50 SA DB Cleans (from floor) 25 Toes...Read More
AMRAP 12 Minutes Hand over hand sled pull 50ft 180/135 (inside) 0.5 Mile Bike AMRAP 12 Minutes 40 Double Unders 20 DB Hang Snatch-Heavy 10 Strict HSPU AMRAP 12 Minutes 30 Bicycle kicks 30 Supermen 20 GHD Sit-ups or Weighted Sit-ups 20 Plate Good Mornings 10 Strict Toes to Bar 10 Gorilla Pulls per ArmRead More
WWPF 3 Rounds For Time 30 Clean and Jerks ,135/93 12 Shuttle Runs (Switch every 6) (Up and Back = 1) 20 Synchronized Bar Facing Burpees 12 Shuttle Runs (switch every 6) 10 Synchronized BMU 12 Shuttle Runs (switch every 6)Read More
Not Barbara 5 Rounds, 2 Minute rest between Rounds 20 Cal Row or Ski 30 Pushups/Ring Pushups 40 Sit-ups/Ghd/Leg Raises 50 Air Squats/Barbell Squats 45/33Read More
15 Minutes to a heavy hang snatch (above knee) + hang snatch (below knee) Then… For Time 30 Power Snatches, 135/93 20 Wall Walks 10 Rope ClimbsRead More
Every 90s for 20 Minutes perform 3 front squats. Increase weight each set 0:00, 1:30, 3:00, 4:30, 6:00, 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12:00, 13:30, 15:00, 16:30, 18:00, 19:30 Then…. Choose Your Own Adventure-Partition any way 80 Cal Bike 70 Toes to Bar 60 Burpees Over Bar 50 Front Squats 135/93Read More
Happy Birthday Super Doug!!! Work up to a Heavy Deadlift Then…. King Kong Remix-Dougie Kong AMRAP 15 Minutes 1 Deadlift 315/263 2 Ring Muscle Ups 3 Power Cleans 155/103 4 Strict HSPURead More