Olympic Lifting -Clean & Jerk: Build to a heavy -OHS: 5 x 3 @ 85%+ Endurance 17 MIN AMRAP – OUTSIDE 300m Run 20 KB Swings, 70/53 100m SA Farmers Carry, 70/53 17 MIN AMRAP – INSIDE 20 Box Step-Overs, 50/35 10/7 Cal Bike 15 Toes 2 Rings 10/7 Cal Ski
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GoRuck 9/11 Tribute WOD 2001m Ruck 30/20 Then 9 Rounds-without the ruck pack 11 Pushups 11 Thrusters 65/43 (official challenge is sandbag thrusters 60/40) Then… 2001m Ruck 30/20 *Click on the link to officially enter the GoRuck 9/11 Challenge and order their t-shirt and patch*
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WWPF 2000m Row, Switch EMOM Right Into…. 12 Rounds of Partner DB DT – YGIG (6 rounds each) 12 DB Deadlifts, 50’s/35’s 9 DB Hang Cleans 6 DB Push Press Right Into…. 3 Mile Bike, Switch EMOM Right into…. 30 Bar Muscle-ups *Scale = 50 Burpee Pull-ups
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AMRAP 10 Minutes 100m Sled push 90/45 5 Back Squats 225/153 AMRAP 10 Minutes  200m Run  1 LEGLESS Rope Climb 15/12’ 10 Minute Ab Circuit 20 Bicycle Kicks (40 total) 10 Russian Twists (20 taps) 45 Second Plank
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Trap Bar Deadlift 6×5 Weighted Dip 6×5 Then…. Foose’s 54th Birthday WOD! 54 Cal Bike 54 Double Unders 54 Burpees 54 Double Unders 54 Zercher Squats 95/63 54 Double Unders
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EMOM 10 Minutes  3 Hang Snatch Then…. 21-15-9 Pull-up Hang Power Snatch 95/63 Toe to Bar
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“Lumberjack 20“ 20 Deadlifts 275lbs/183Run 400m20 KB swings 70/53Run 400m20 Overhead Squats 115/73Run 400m20 BurpeesRun 400m20 Chest to Bar PullupsRun 400m20 Box jumps 24/20Run 400m20 DB Squat Cleans 50s/35sRun 400m
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Olympic Lift Class  -Snatch first pull + Snatch Pull + Snatch  -2 Power Cleans + Push Jerk Endurance AMRAP 35 Minutes  25 Ring Rows  300m Run or Ski 50 Lateral Step Up and Over 24/20 45/25# plate 300m Run or Ski 100 Double Unders  300m Run or Ski 150 Sit ups 300m Run or Ski
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Choose a Hero: Jerry 1 Mile Run 2000m Row 1 Mile Run Or… Glen without the Burpees 30 Clean and jerks 135/93 1 Mile Run 10 Rope climbs 15’ 1 Mile Run Or…. Holleyman 30 Rounds 5 Wall Balls  3 HSPU 1 Clean 225/153
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WBPF EMOM 10 Minutes 2 Snatch Pulls + 1 Snatch Then….. AMRAP 20 Minutes-Partner Style-You Go, I Go 2 Muscle Ups 4 Wall Climbs 6 Hang Power Snatch 95/63
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