EOMOM 16 Minutes Min 1: 8 RDLs (85-100% of Clean 1 RM) Min 2: 5 Strict Pullups (add weight if easy) Then…… Rinse and Repeat-2022 Crossfit Games Remix Every 2 Minutes for as long as possible 10/8 Cal Ski or Row 8 Burpees-Increase by 2 reps every round until you cannot complete in 2 minutes
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10 MIN EMOM 10 Drag Rope DU 1 Snatch – build In weight every round Then…. “Lightning Speed” For Time 21-15-9 Power Snatch, 75/53 Pull-up Then… Run 400m Then… 9-15-21 OHS, 75/53 HSPU
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Back Squat 3×6 Then…. AMRAP 15 Minutes  20 Barbell Weighted Step up, 10 on right leg, then 10 on left, keep foot on box 75/53 20 Alt Devil Press 50/35 100m Sandbag Carry-Heavy
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Olympic Lifting -Every 90 seconds x 6 Rounds complete 2 snatches -20 Minutes to build Clean + 2 Jerks Endurance “Cardio-Party-O” 3 Rounds 400m Run or Row 20 KB OH Lunges, 53/35 10 Weighted Push-ups, 55/35 2 Rounds 800m Run or Row 30 KB Snatches, 53/35 15 Plate Burpees 1 Round 1200m Run or Row...
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Fight Gone Bad, Championship Style 5 Rounds: 1 Minute at each station Wall Balls Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75/53 Barbell Box Jumps 24/30 Push Press 75/53 Cal Ski 1 Minute Rest
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WWPF – AMRAP 35 50 Toes 2 Bar (partner hangs) 50/50 DU Relay 40 OHS, 95/63 (mix reps anyway) 50/50 DU Relay 30 Planking Burpees (burpee over partner) 50/50 DU Relay 20 Hang Squat Snatches, 135/93 (mix anyway) 50/50 DU Relay 10 Alt Rope Climbs 50/50 DU Relay
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AMRAP 10 Minutes 250m Row 3 Muscle Ups AMRAP 10 Minutes Max Reps Curtis Ps. Every time you put the bar down, perform 10 burpees 1 Rep of Curtis P= 1 Power Clean, R Lunge, L Lunge, Push Press 105/73 10 Minute Ab Circuit 15 GHD Situps 15 Leg Raises 15 Turkish Sit Ups
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Deadlift 1RM Then…. SEPTEMBER 11th -20 Min AMRAP: 343m Weighted Run, 53/35  (# of firefighters killed) 37 C2B Pullups (# of Port Authority Police Officers Killed) 23 Wall Climbs (# of Police Officers Killed) 2 Rope Climbs (# of Paramedics Killed) 1 Double Bodyweight Deadlift  (For the 1 Firefighter that was killed by a man who jumped off the...
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Hang Clean: 3-3-2-2-1-1-1 Then…. For Time 400m Run 21 Hang Cleans, 135/93 9 HSPU 400m Run 15 Hang Cleans 15 HSPU 400M Run 9 Hang Cleans 21 HSPU 400m Run
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Back Squat 3×8 Then…. 30-20-10-20-30 Box Jumps 24/20 Sit ups Wall Balls
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