AMRAP 11 MIN CASH IN: 60/50 Cal Bike Max DB Box Step-Overs w/remaining time, 50’s/35’s AMRAP 11 MIN CASH IN: 1600m Ski Max Target Burpees w/remaining time AMRAP 11 MIN CASH IN: Accumulate 4 min sandbag hold (Bear Hug), 100/75 Max Reps Sandbag Complex w/Remaining time (Ground 2 Shoulder + 2 Lunges + 1 Shoulder...Read More
15 MIN EMOM Min 1: 8 Deadlifts Min 2: 8 DB Strict Press (2 db’s) Min 3: 45s Handstand Holds then…. 3 Rounds 500m Row or Ski 42 KB Swings, 53/35 21 C2B Pull-upsRead More
OLY -Floating Snatch High Pull + Snatch: 15 min to a heavy complex – Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk: On the 2 MInute x 6 Rounds Endurance 12 MIN AMRAP 21 Sumo Deadlift Highpulls, 75/53 12 Burpees over Bar *Double Under ladder: 20-40-60-80….. 12 MIN AMRAP 21 Cal Ski 12 DB Thrusters, 50/35 *Pull-up...Read More
Hoover 8 Rounds for time-45 Minute Cap 400m Run/Row/Ski 15 Burpee Box jump Over 24/20 10 Cal Bike 6 Alt Db Snatch-Heavy (75/50 actual prescribed) Staff Sgt.Taylor Hoover, 31, of the United States Marine Corps., died Aug. 26, 2021, by a suicide bomber who detonated explosives at Abbey Gate in Kabul, Afghanistan. Hoover joined the...Read More
WWPF 15 Min to build to a heavy hang snatch Then…. Accumulate Reps Anyway. Both Partners work at the same time, but on different movements: 20 min cap 80 Cal Row 60 Hang Snatch, 95/63 40 Sandbag Clean & Jerk, 100/75 20 Legless Rope ClimbsRead More
5 Rounds-5 Minutes of work, 2 Minute break between 20/15 Cal Ski 50 Double Unders 20 GHD Sit-ups/Leg Raises/Weighted Sit-ups Max Reps Pullovers/Muscle UPS/Wall Climbs or any skill Read More