WackyWiserPartnerFriday FOR TIME 42-30-18 Power Cleans, 135/93 *150 Double Unders after each round of cleans, mix anyway 42-30-18 Front Squats, 135/93 *30 Synchronized Wall Ball Shots after each round of front squats 42-30-18 Shoulder 2 OH, 135/93 *50 Pull-ups after each round of Shoulder 2 OH (mix reps anyway/partner hangs)
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Chad 1000x Practice: Click Here for Information AMRAP 35 Minutes 200m Farmer Carry 70s/53s 30 T2B or 50 Sit Ups 100 Box Step Ups 20/16 (wear a weight vest or hold a 45/25lb plate if desired) *Coach Foose will be hosting The Chad 1000x on 11/11at 10:30am
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Deadlift 3×4@93% 1xME @90% Then……For Time 30 Ring Dips 1000m Bike (500m Run) 40 Decline Pushups 1000m Bike (500m Run) 50 Burpees Over Bar 1000m Bike (500m Run)
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10 Min EMOM 2 Snatch High Pulls + 1 Power Snatch For Max Reps: 1:00 Max Rope Climbs 1:00 Max KB Snatches, 53/35 2:00 Max Rope Climbs 2:00 Max KB Snatches 3:00 Max Rope Climbs 3:00 Max KB Snatches Cash Out: 1000m Ski
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With a Running Clock: 2023 Rogue Invitational Remix 0:00-15:00 Work Up to a Heavy Back Squat 17:00-32:00 AMRAP 15 Minutes 5 Bar Muscle Ups 10 Box Jumps 40/30 (Stack Boxes for 40) 200m Run *5 Back Squats 275/203 after each round* Can use Rack 32:00-35:00 Max Cal Ski or Bike Enjoy Box Jumps, Ara!
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Olympic Lifting -Jerk Dip + Jerk: 5 x 1 @ 80%+ -Clean: Work to a heavy single Endurance – Happy Birthday Mike Ciunci 17 MIN AMRAP 10 Burpee Box Step-overs, 50/35 29 DB Push Press, 50/35 *Complete 79 toes 2 ring at any point during the workout 17 MIN AMRAP 44 KB Swings, 53/35 44...
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The Meg 15 Rounds for Time 5 Burpee Pullups 10 Wall Balls 20 Double Unders
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WWPF 100m/100m Sled Push Relay x 1 (both do 100m) 10 Synchronized Wall Climbs 10 Alt Rope Climbs 100m/100m Sled Push Relay x 2 (both will total 200m) 8 Synchronized Wall Climbs 8 Alt Rope Climbs 100m/100m Sled Push Relay x 3 (both will total 300m) 6 Synchronized Wall Climbs 6 Alt Rope Climbs 100m/100m...
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EMOM 10 Minutes 2 Cleans + 1 Jerk Then…. Happy 37th Birthday to Pam!! For Time: 37 Clean and Jerks 135/93 1000m Ski 37 Back Squats 1000m Run
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Deadlift 3 x 4@90% Then 1 X ME @ 85% Then…… 4 Rounds 15 HSPU 50 Double Unders 400m Run
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