a. Bent Over Row 3×3 b. Strict Press 3×3 Then… Crossfit Open WOD 17.4 55 Deadlifts 225/153 55 Wall Balls 55 Cal Row 55 Handstand Pushups
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Front Squat (wk 4): 3×3 with 3 second pause in each @ 88% Then… For Time 60 Alt Pistols 30 Hang Cleans, 155/113 15 Bar MU
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Happy New Year! We wanted to take a minute and thank each of you for a wonderful 2023. We couldn’t do it without the best members ever! We are really blessed to have you all. We look forward to a great 2024 full of health, good times, and PRs! New Year, New WOD! 2024m Row/Ski/Run...
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Olympic Lifting -Work to a heavy Snatch -Work to a heavy Clean & Jerk Endurance – New Years Eve Special “Hasta La Vista 2023” – AMRAP 32 23 MedBall Cleans, 20/14 23 Cal Bike 23 Pull-ups 23 Drag Rope DU 23 Med Ball Slams, 20/14 23 Cal Ski 23 Weighted Push-ups 23 Drag Rope DU...
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Bench Press 1-1-1 Then…. AMRAP 20 Minutes 15 T2B 15 Thruster 75/53 15 Burpee Over Bar 15/10 Cal Bike or Ski
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WWPF – For Time For Time 50 Alt Box Jumps, 24″/20″ 30 Hang Cleans, 135/93 400m Run Relay (both run 400m) 50 Synchronized Hurdle Jumps, 24″/20″ 30 Shoulder 2 OH, 135/93 400m Run Relay 50 Alt Box Jumps, 24″/20″ 30 Hang Cleans, 155/113 400m Run Relay 50 Synchronized Hurdle Jumps, 24″/20 30 Shoulder 2 OH,...
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EMOM 10 Minutes 1 Snatch Pull + 2 Hang Snatch Then…. 2 Rounds 50 DB Hang Snatch 50/35 (do not have to alternate) 50 Wall Balls 50 Sit Ups
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Bent Over Row: 3 x 4 Strict OH Press: 3 x 4 “Diamanda” – For Time 21 Deadlifts, 225/153 21 HSPU 9 Ring MU 15 Deadlifts 15 HSPU 7 Ring MU 9 Deadlifts 9 HSPU 5 Ring MU
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Front Squat Week 3: 3×3 with 3 second pause in each @ 85% Then…. AMRAP 20 Minutes 10 T2B or 25 Sit Ups 15 Burpees 25 Lunges 45/33 50 Double Unders
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Endurance: X-MAS EVE SPECIAL “Naughty”: 1 Round For Time 1000m Ski or 1200m Run 80 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 (10’/9′) 60 Burpee Box Jumps, 24″/20″ 40 Clean and Jerks, 135/93 20 Muscle-ups (scale w/20 C2B pullups + 20 Dips) OR “Nice” – 4 Rounds For Time 250m Ski or 300m Run 20 Wall Ball Shots,...
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