Bench Press 1 RM Then…. 60 Alt Pistols or Weighted Lunges from         Plate with 53/35lb Kb 50 Pushups 40 Wall Balls 30/20 Cal Bike 20 Devil Press-2 DB 50s/35s 10 Ring Muscle Ups or 20 Pull and 20 Push
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WWPF – FOR TIME 50 Synchronized DB Hang Snatches 30 C2B Pull-ups (mix anyway/partner hangs) 10/7 Cal Ski Relay 40 Synchronized DB Hang Snatches 30 Synchronized Target Burpees 10/7 Cal Bike Relay 30 Synchronized DB Hang Snatches 30 C2B Pull-ups (mix anyway/partner hangs) 10/7 Ski Relay 20 Synchronized DB Hang Snatches 30 Synchronized Target Burpees...
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AMRAP 35 Minutes-Chad 1000x Practice 200m Sled Push 55/35lb plate 30 GHD Situps or Weighted Sit Ups 100 Box Step Ups 20/16 (Wear a vest or hold a 45/25lb plate) *Chad 1000x will be an option for Veteran’s Day on 11/11*
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EOMOM 16 Minutes  5 RDL 5 Strict Pull-up  Then….  21-15-9-6-3 Deadlifts 185/133 Ring Dips Cal Bike T2B
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“Deja vu” – Mission Impossible Get AFAP in 4:00 (rest 2 min), AFAP 8:00 (Rest 2 min) Finish 500m Row or Ski 35 Box Jump Overs, 24/20 25 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 (12’/10′) 15 Ground 2 OH, 185/123 5 Rope Climbs *Subtract 1 sec off your final time for every rep completed in rounds 1...
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Back Squat 3×6 Then…. Mainsite Monday  AMRAP 16 Minutes  400-meter run 6 burpees to target 6 bar muscle-ups 10 dumbbell walking lunges 50/35 (one db)
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Olympic Lifting – Snatch + Hang Snatch + OHS , build to a heavy complex -Jerk: 5 x 1 “Endurance Annie” 50 KB Swings 50 Drag Rope DU 50 Situps Run 200m 40 KB Swings 40 Drag Rope DU 40 Situps Run 400m 30 KB Swings 30 Drag Rope DU 30 Situps Run 600m 20...
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AMRAP 25 Minutes  2 Muscle Ups-Ring Or Bar (Scale with 4 burpee pull-ups or 4 pull and 4 push) 4 Back Squats 225/153 (Scale to ~70%, can use a rack) 8 DB Snatch -Heavy  16 Cal Bike
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Wacky Wiser Partner Friday For Time (36 Min Cap) 42 Cleans, 135/93 (mix anyway) 300m Run Relay x 1 (each run 1x) 50 Synchronized Wall Ball Shots 30 Shoulder 2 OH, 155/113 (mix anyway)3 300m Run Relay x 2 (each run 2x) 30 Alt Wall Walks 18 Clean & Jerks, 185/123 300m Run Relay x...
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Run, Row, Ski or Bike AFAP in 11 Minutes  then…. AMRAP 11 Minutes  20 Gorilla Rows 53s/35s 100m Farmer carry 100m OH Carry then…. 11 Minute Ab Circuit  45s Hollow Body Hold 30 Double Unders 20 Russian Twists (40 taps) 30 Double Unders 10 Strict T2B or Leg Raises 30 Double Unders  
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