Back Squat 8RM then 1×8 @90% Then….. AMRAP 15 Minutes 3 Burpee Muscle Ups 5 Back Squats 225/153 7 Cal Bike
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Olympic Lifting Snatch from blocks: 4 x 3 Clean and Jerk from blocks: 4 x 3 Endurance – HBD Mike DEE! 1 Round for Time 1000m Run 50 DB Snatches 800m Run 50 OH DB Walking Lunges 600m Run 50 Burpees 400m Run 50 Pullups 200m Run
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OHS 3-3-3 Then…. 4 Rounds 15 OHS 95/63 15 HSPU 400m Run
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WWPF – AMRAP 35 MIN 54 Deadlifts, 225/153 (mix anyway) 200m Run Relay (YGIG) 54 Burpee Box Jumps, 24/20 (mix anyway) 200m Run Relay 54 Toes 2 Bar (mix anyway/partner hangs) 200m Run Relay
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CFWC Triathlon Can be done straight through, or partitioned 3000m Row or Ski 2 Mile Run 150/100 Cal Bike
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5×5 Tempo Weighted Pullups (3sec up, 3 sec down) 5×8 Resistance Band Dips Then…. Crossfit Open 20.5-With a 20 Minute Cap Partitioned Any Way 40 Muscle Ups (Scaled =40 Pullups) 80 Cal Row 120 Wall Balls
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12 MIN EMOM 10 Drag Rope DU (scale w/15 DU) 1 Snatch (heavy) “Snatch with a catch” – For Time 75 Power Snatches, 75/53 **10 Burpee Pullups every time you break
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Back Squat 10 RM Then, 1×10 @90% Then……. AMRAP 15 Minutes 10 Front Squats 135/93 10 Push Press 300m Run
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Olympic Lift Technique Class: -Snatch From Blocks 4×3 -Clean From Blocks 4×3 Endurance WOD: AMRAP 12 Minutes 200m Run/100m Walk or Jog AMRAP 12 Minutes 1/2 Mile (0.8km) Bike 30 SA Russian KB Swings 53/35 50 Goblet Split Squats off of a 45lb Plate AMRAP 12 Minutes 15 Weighted V Ups 15/10lb Plate 30 Double...
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Happy Birthday to Coach and Owner, Jimmy Wiser! 15 Minutes to a Heavy Bench Press Then….. 1 Mile or 2000m Row Cash In 2 Rounds 41 Box Step Ups 75/53lb Barbell 41 Devil’s Press 50/35 (one dumbbell)
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