Olympic Lift Class: Snatch From Blocks 1-1-1 Clean and Jerk From Blocks 1-1-1 Endurance Class: The Dookie Man (12/28/12-3/1/24) Today we pay tribute to Dookie the Chihuhaua, Dan and Nicole’s pup. Dookie has been a huge part of CFWC since 2013! Dookie basically grew up here at CFWC, and he loved to come to the...
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Heats run every half hour, starting at 8am. Please sign into a class time. First heat runs while person 2 judges, then 2nd heat runs while partner 1 judges. 21 dumbbell snatches, arm 121 lateral burpees over dumbbell21 dumbbell snatches, arm 221 lateral burpees over dumbbell15 dumbbell snatches, arm 115 lateral burpees over dumbbell15 dumbbell...
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Bench Press: 3 x 5 Then… WWPF Partner Nate W/bike (YGIG) – 20 min AMRAP 2 MU 4 HSPU 8/6 Cal Bike
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Clean and Jerk 2-2-2 Then….. 42 Pistols 21 Power Clean and Jerk 135/93 30 Pistols 15 Power Clean and Jerk 18 Pistols 9 Power Clean and Jerk
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a. 3RM Weighted Strict Pullup b. 3RM Weighted Dip Then…. AMRAP 18 Minutes-Wear a weight vest if inclined to do so 400m Run 15 T2B 1 Rope Climb 15’
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10 Min EMOM 2 Snatch Pulls + 1 Snatch THEN…. 3 Rounds 30 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 15 Burpee Box Jumps, 24″/20″ 30 DB Hang Snatches, 50/35
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Back Squat 6RM Then 2×6 @90% Then…. AMRAP 15 Minutes 50 Double Unders 10 Deadlifts 155/103 5 Muscle Ups
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OLY Snatch (blocks): 4 x 2 Clean & Jerk (blocks): 4 x 2 ENDURO 50-40-30-20-10 KB Swing, 53/35 Situp Jumping Pull-ups (RX=bar above max reach) Cal Bike
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10 Minutes to a Heavy Thruster Then… 20 Minute Ladder 3-6-9-12-15-18-21-24-27…….(add 3 reps each round) Toes to Bar Thruster 95/63 Perfect Pushup
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WWPF- AFAP in 35 min 100 Sandbag lunges (mix reps anyway), 100/75 100 DB Push Press, (mix reps anyway), 50’s/35’s 80 Sandbag Squats (mix reps anyway) 80 DB Snatches (mix anyway), 50/35 60 Sandbag Ground 2 OS (mix reps anyway) 60 Weighted Burpees, (mix reps anyway), 50’s/35 40 Sandbag Box Step-overs (mix reps anyway) 40...
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