15 Min to a heavy Clean & Jerk Then… For Time 1000m Run/Row/Ski 10 Clean & Jerks, 135/93 800m Run/Row/Ski 8 Clean & Jerks, 155/113 600m Run/Row/Ski 6 Clean & Jerks, 185/123 400m Run/Row/Ski 4 Clean & Jerks, 205/143 200m Run/Row/Ski 2 Clean & Jerks, 225/163
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Front Squat 10 RM Then 1×10 @85%Then…. AMRAP 15 Minutes 10 C2B Pullups 10 Lunges 135/93 10 HSPU
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9AM ENDURANCE Easter Hero WOD “Small” 3 Rounds 1000m Row or Ski 50 Burpees 50 Box Jumps Run 800m
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Butterfly Run 5k or Mile Walk OR OPEN GYM: 8am – 12noon Open Gym WOD 20 MIN AMRAP “Deadlifting Cindy” 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Air Squats Deadlift = Increase by 1 rep for every round completed. RX: 225/153 Example: Round 1 of Cindy = 1 deadlift Round 2 of Cindy = 2 deadlifts Round...
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WWPF AMRAP 15 MIN 400M Farmers Carry Relay, 70’s/53’s (switch every 100m) 30 Synchronized KB Swings, 70/53 AMRAP 15 MIN 400m Sandbag Carry Relay, 100/75 (switch every 100m) 50 Sandbag Squats (Mix Reps Anyway) AMRAP 5 MIN Max Synchronized Burpee Pull-ups
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10 Minutes to a heavy clean AMRAP 10 Minutes5 Cleans 185/13310 HSPU or Ring Pushups AMRAP 10 Minutes10 Strict T2B15 GHD Sit-ups or Weighted Sit-ups20 Leg Raises
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RDL 3×10 Strict Press 3×10 Then….. 4 Rounds 10 Push Press 135/93 20 Cal Row 3 Rope Climbs 18′
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15 min to heavy power snatch then… 18 min EMOM MIN 1: 12 T&G Power Snatches, 95/63 MIN 2: Max Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 MIN 3: REST
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Back Squat: Test 1 RM Then…. AMRAP 13 Minutes 3 Back Squats 80% of 1 RM 2 Toes to Ring 1 Ring Muscle Up Cash Out: 2 Mile Bike (3.2km) as fast as possible or… 50 Burpees as fast as possible
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We will have Open Gym only from 6am-12 Noon. No classes. We will be participating in the Philly Love Run Optional Endurance WOD: SMURPH (mini Murph) 800m Run 50 Pullups 100 Pushups 150 Air Squats 800m Run
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