AMRAP 35 Minutes  300m Sled Pull 90/45 25 Strict Pullups 50 Pushups 75 Sit ups  100 Split Squats 45/33 400m Run
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RDL 4×4 Strict Press 4×4 Then….. It’s Gonna Be Mayyyyyyyy 4 Rounds of 4 Minute AMRAPS Start with 200m Run With Remaining Time 10 Burpees 10 Toes to Bar 30 Double Unders 1 Minute Rest After Each Round *each round begins with 200m run, then start where you left off on amrap
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15 min to heavy snatch pull + snatch then… “Sweatin’ To The Oldies” 3 Rounds 30 Box Jumps , 24/20 20 Power Snatches, 95/63 10 Bar MU
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Front Squat 6 RM Then 2×6@90% Then….. AMRAP 17 Minutes 200m Farmer Carry 70s/53s 10 Wall Climbs 200m Farmer Carry 20 Push Press 135/93 200m Farmer Carry 30 Ring Pushups
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Olympic Lifting -Snatch w/pause 2″ off floor + Low hang snatch (below knee): 5 x 1 -Clean (from blocks): 5 x 2 Endurance “The Hutch” – In Memory of David Hutcheson (CFWC Member 2013 – 2018). Dave was Born April 30, 1955 and he was 63 years old when he passed away from prostate cancer....
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8am and 9:15am Choose a Hero 10:30am Ruck Version of Manion Choose a Hero LUCE Wearing a 20 pound vest, three rounds for time of:1000m Run10 Muscle-ups100 Air Squats Captain Ronald G. Luce, 27, of the U.S. Army Company C, 2nd Battalion, 20th Special Forces Group, headquartered at Jackson, Mississippi, died Aug. 2, 2009, in Qole Gerdsar,...
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WWPF 0:00 – 5:00 Max Clean & Jerk, 95/63 5:00 – 10:00 Max Cal Bike (mix cal anyway) 10:00 – 15:00 Max Clean & Jerks, 135/93 15:00 – 20:00 Max Drag Rope DU (mix reps anyway) 20:00 – 25:00 Max Clean & Jerks, 165/123 25:00 – 30:00 Max 100m Runs (Relay Style) 30:00 – 35:00...
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In Any Order AMRAP 12 Minutes 10 Strict Pullups 20 KB Gorilla Rows 53’s/35’s -Alt Arms 40 Split Squats 95/63 AMRAP 12 Minutes 15 Leg Raises 15 Russian Twist (30 taps) 15 Turkish Situps 45sec Hollow Body Hold AMRAP 12 Minutes 12/10 Cal Ski 20 Burpees to Target
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a. RDL 3×6 b. Strict Press 3×6 Then… Belated Earth Day-365 80 Wall Balls 70 KB Swings 53/35 60 Box Jumps 50 Pushups 40 Toes to Bar 30 Burpees Over KB 20 GHD Sit Ups 10 Kipping HSPU 5 Strict HSPU
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20 MIN EOMOM 200m Run + 1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch Then… 10 Min AMRAP 12 Hang Snatches, 95/63 8/6 Cal Ski 3 MU
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