Choose a Hero: Zeus Three rounds for time of: 30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball 75 pound Sumo deadlift high-pull, 30 reps 30 Box jump, 20″ box 75 pound Push press, 30 reps Row 30 calories 30 Push-ups Body weight Back squat, 10 reps Or…… Jenny Complete as many rounds as possible in 20...
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WWPF 2000m Row (Switch EMOM) Then…. 60 Thrusters, 95/63 (mix reps anyway) 30 Bar MU (mix reps anyway) (scale=Burpee Pull-ups) 40 Thrusters 20 BMU 20 Thrusters 10 BMU Then…. 2000m Row (Switch EMOM)
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AMRAP 11 Minutes 12/10 Cal Bike 5 Deadlifts 205/143 3 Power Cleans 1 Front Squat AMRAP 11 minutes 12/10 Cal Ski 100m Farmer Carry-Heavy 20 Lateral Box Jumps 24/20 AMRAP 11 Minutes-Abs for Bardwell 10 Strict Toes to Bar 20 Leg Raises 30 Slow Bicycle Kicks
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Incline Bench 3×10 -Burnout sets of DB Incline Curls after each set Then….. AMRAP 16 Minutes  100m Sandbag Carry 100/75 20 Sandbag Squats 25 second L-Sit (use Rings, boxes, or parallettes) 300m Run
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Snatch Doubles: Work to heavy for 15 Min Then…. 3 Rounds: 100 Double Unders 21 KB Swings, 70/53 12 Target Burpees
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8am and 10am Classes: Murph 1 Mile Run 100 Pullups (Ring Rows only, no banded pullups today) 200 Pushups 300 Air Squats 1 Mile Run *Wear a 20/14lb weight vest * In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005. This workout was one of...
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OLYMPIC LIFTING -2 Snatch Grip Deadlifts + Low Hang Snatch: Work to a heavy -Jerk W/Pause in Dip and Catch: 4 x 1 ENDURANCE: 17 Min AMRAP Ladder Cal Ski: 10-20-30-40… Deadlift, 135/83: 10-20-30-40 Rope Climb: 1-2-3-4….. 17 Min AMRAP Ladder Cal Bike: 10-20-30-40…. SA Db Push Press: 10-20-30-40… Weighted Sit-up: 10-20-30–40….
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5 Rounds 5 minute AMRAPS, 2 minute rest after each round: Each round starts with max reps of Toes to Ring or Toes to Bar for 1 Minute Then, AMRAP with remaining time: 5 High Box Jumps 10 DB Hang Snatch 50/35 20 DB OH Lunges
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WWPF – Happy Birthday Jay-Z FOR TIME: 5 Rounds 5 Synchronized Bar MU 24 Hang Power Cleans, 135/93 (Partner holds front rack) 41 Drag Rope DU (mix anyway) Then, 1 Round 41 Synchronized Birthday Target Burpees Then, 1 Round Accumulate 1600m Med Ball Run Relay (can mix into any distance relay)
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AMRAP 12 Minutes 40 Double Unders 20 Thrusters 75/53 10 Sandbag G2OS AMRAP 12 Minutes 800m Bike 400m Run 250m Ski AMRAP 12 Minutes 15 GHD Sit Ups or Weighted Sit Ups 15 Leg Raises 45s Hollow Body Hold
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