Olympic Lift Class -Snatch first pull + Snatch Pull + Snatch -2 Power Cleans + Push Jerk Endurance AMRAP 35 Minutes 25 Ring Rows 300m Run or Ski 50 Lateral Step Up and Over 24/20 45/25# plate 300m Run or Ski 100 Double Unders 300m Run or Ski 150 Sit ups 300m Run or SkiRead More
Choose a Hero: Jerry 1 Mile Run 2000m Row 1 Mile Run Or… Glen without the Burpees 30 Clean and jerks 135/93 1 Mile Run 10 Rope climbs 15’ 1 Mile Run Or…. Holleyman 30 Rounds 5 Wall Balls 3 HSPU 1 Clean 225/153Read More
AMRAP 10 Minutes -Blame Coach Taylor 15/12 Cal Bike 100 foot Sled Push 135/90 AMRAP 10 Minutes 100m Sprint/100m Jog 10 Minute AB Circuit 5 Strict Toe to Bar 10 GHD Sit-ups or Weighted Sit-ups 15 Leg RaisesRead More
8×3 Deadlifts from 75-90% 5×10 Dips 3 second lower, explosive on the way up Then…. For Time 2 Rounds 800m Run 50 Pushups 25 Box Jump Over 24/20Read More
10 MIN EMOM 2 Cleans + 1 Jerk Then… 5 Rounds of 3 min AMRAP’s (1 min rest after each amrap) 3 T&G Clean & Jerks, 135/93 6 Burpees over bar 9 Pull-upsRead More