Olympic Lifting High Hang Snatch w/pause in catch: 5 x 2 @ 80%+ High Hang Clean: 5 x 2 @ 80%+ Endurance INSIDE – AMRAP 17 MIN 12 Sumo Deadlift Highpull, 75/53 21 Box Jumps 12 Push Press, 75/53 21 Drag Rope DU OUTSIDE – AMRAP 17 MIN 100m Farmers Carry/OH Carry Combo, 53’s/35’s (switch...
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15 Minutes to a Heavy Deadlift Then….. Deadlift Cindy AMRAP 20 Minutes  1 Deadlift 315/225 5 Pullups 10 Pushups 15 Air Squats
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WWPF – AMRAP 36 MIN 50 Synchronized DB Snatches, 50/35 100m Partner Prowler Push 40 Synchronized OH Lunges, 50/35 100m Partner Prowler Push 30 Synchronized DB Thrusters, 50/35 100m Partner Prowler Push
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10 Minutes to a Heavy Clean Then…. In Any Order, partitioned or straight through 1 Mile Run or 2k Row 30 Cleans 185/133 3 Mile Bike (4.8km)/2.5 mile (4.0km) bike for ladies 75 GHD Sit Ups
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Incline Bench 3×6 Incline Curl Burnout X3 Then…. AMRAP 15 Minutes 200 Double Unders 100 Wall Balls 50 Burpees Max Reps Ring or Bar Muscle Ups in Remaining Time
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12 Min EMOM: 1 Snatch Pull + 1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch Then…. 5 Rounds for Total Calories On a 2 – Minute Clock: 10 Power Snatches, 135/93 10 Box Jump Overs, 30″/24″ MAX CAL SKI/ROW IN REMAINING TIME **REST 2 MIN AFTER EACH ROUND
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Overhead Squat 3×8 Then…. Not The Chief 5 Rounds AMRAP 3 Minutes, 1 minute break between rounds 3 Power Cleans 135/93 6 T2B 9 Single Leg Squats 
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Olympic Lifting -Snatch off blocks 3-3-2-2-1-1-1 -Clean off blocks: -3-3-2-2-1-1-1 Endurance “Heatwave” – 35 min AMRAP 100m Ruck Run, 35/20 10 Pull-ups (w/ruck) 200m Ruck Run 20 Burpees over ruck bag 300m Ruck Run 30 Med Ball Cleans, 20/14 (w/ruck) 400m Ruck Run 40 OH Med Ball Lunges, 20/14 (w/ruck *continue by going back down...
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AMRAP 30 Minutes  200m Sled Pull 90/45 300m Run  100m Trap Bar Walk 55lb plates/35lb plates 300m Run 50 Thrusters 45/33 300m Run  25 Ring Dips 300m Run 
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WWPF 42 Deadlifts, 225/153, (mix anway) 50 Box Jump Overs (mix anyway) 30 Deadlifts 50 Box Jumps Overs 18 Deadlifts 50 Box Jump Overs 120 Sandbag Lunges, 100/75 (mix anyway) 50 Synchronzied KB Swings, 53/35 18 Ring Pull-ups, mix anyway 50 Synchronized KB Swings 30 Ring Pull-ups 50 Synchronized Kb Swings 42 Ring Pull-ups
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