In Any Order: AMRAP 12 Minutes 100m Sled Pull Sprint 45/25 100m Sled Pull Walk AMRAP 12 Minutes 1 Mile Run Max Burpees with Remaining Time (On the Deck) AMRAP 12 Minutes 20 Plate Ground to Overhead 45/25 100m OH Plate Carry 100m Gun Walk
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Power Clean: 3-3-3 Then… 20 Min AMRAP “Power Clean Cindy” 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Squats *Power clean, 165/113: increase by 1 rep each round
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WWPF 12 MIN AMRAP 400m Run Relay 50 Planking Burpees (partner holds front plank while partner burpees over) Max Alt Box Jumps, 24″/20″ 12 MIN AMRAP 400m Run Relay 100 Alt Box Jumps, 24″/20″ Max Synchronized Target Burpees 12 MIN AMRAP 400m Run Relay 120 DB Hang Snatches, Mix anyway between partners (1 person works...
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EMOM 10 Minutes 2 Hang Cleans + 1 Jerk Then…… 12-9-6-3-1 Thruster 135/93 Bar Muscle Up
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Deadlift (WK 1): 1 Rep Max Then… 17 Min AMRAP 150 Double Unders 75 Russian Swings, 70/53 50 Alt Pistols 25 Deadlifts, 225/153
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Snatch 1-1-1 Then…… 4 Rounds 7 Snatch (weight increases every round) Men: 115/135/145/155 Women: 83/93/103/113 10 Strict HSPU 400m Run
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Front Squat: 1 Rep Max Then… 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 DB Squat Clean, 50’s/35’s C2B Pull-ups
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9am Oly 10:15 Endurance 18 MIn AMRAP – OUTSIDE 100m Prowler 200m Sprint 30 Jumping Squats 18 Min AMRAP – INSIDE 50 Alt Kb Swings 25 Toes 2 Rings *12/10 Cal Bike = 0:00 , 4:00, 8:00, 12:00, 16:00
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In Any Order: For 10 minutes, alternating movements every minute: 1 Minute Max Rep Bench Press 155/93 1 Minute Max Cal Bike In 10 Minutes: As Many Burpee Ring Muscle Ups as Possible (Scale to Burpee Pullups) AMRAP 10 Minutes 20 Bicep Curls 45/33 30 Thrusters 45/33 40 Sit Ups
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WWPF 12 Min AMRAP 100 KB Snatch, 70/53 (Mix Anyway) Max OH Carry Relay (100m) 12 Min AMRAP 80 Sandbag Ground 2 Over the Shoulder, 100/75 (mix anyway) Max sandbag carry Relay (100m) 12 Min AMRAP 500 Double Unders (mix anyway) Max Cal Bike Relay (10/8 cal) *2 min rest between AMRAP’s
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