EMOM 10 Minutes Clean + 1 Hang Clean Then…… 2021 Age Group Online Qualifier WOD 1 5 rounds for time: 15 handstand push-ups15 dumbbell shoulder-to-overheads 50s/35s15-cal. row Time cap: 20 min.
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WWPF 0:00 – 13:00 Work up to a Max Snatch + Hang Snatch 15:00 – 30:00 15 Min AMRAP RELAY 10/10 DU Relay 10 Alt Snatches, 135/93 20/20 DU Relay 20 Alt Snatches 30/30 DU Relay 30 Alt Snatches *Continue this Pattern until time runs out 30:00 – 34:00 MAX Sandbag Ground to OS, 100/75
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Choose 1 Hero WOD: JBo Complete as many rounds as possible in 28 minutes of:115-lb/75lbs overhead squats, 9 reps1 legless rope climb, 15-foot rope, beginning from seated115-lb/75lbs bench presses, 12 reps Or…….. Michael 3 rounds for time of:Run 800 m50 back extensions50 sit-ups Or…….. Ashley White Five rounds for time of:15′ Rope climb, 3 ascents10...
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Weighted Pull-up: 3 x 5 *Drop Set: 1 x max reps (no weight) (If doing banded pull-ups or negatives, do max ring rows for drop set) For Time 800m Run 30 KB Swings, 70/53 9 Muscle-ups 600m Run 20 KB Swings 7 MU 400m Run 10 KB Swings 5 MU
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Jerk 1-1-1 Then….. 21-15-9-6-3 Push Press 115/83 Toe to Bar Cal Bike
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Front Squat every 2 minutes 2 x 6 @ 80% 2 x 4 @ 85% 2 x 2 @ 90 % 1 x Max Reps @ 70% Death By… Power Clean, 135/93 Burpee Over Bar Complete one rep of each the first min, 2 reps of each the second minute, 3 reps of each the...
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Olympic Lifting: 9am Build to a heavy complex: Clean + Front Squat + Jerk Snatch Balance: 3-3-3 (pause in bottom for 2 seconds Endurance: 10:15am AMRAP 35 Minutes 10 Ring Pullups 15 Dips 20 Bicep Curls 25 Turkish Sit Ups 15/10 800m Run
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Deadlift: 10 min to work to a heavy deadlift Then… 21 Min EOMOM Min 1: 7 Deadlifts, 75% Min 2: 50 Double Unders Min 3: 12/9 Cal Bike
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WWPF – Running Clock 0:00 – 8:00 1RM Weighted Pull-up OR Heavy Bent Over Row 10:00 – 30:00 Partner Relay Nate 2 MU 4 HSPU 8 KB Swings, 70/53 30:00 – 34:00 Max Planking Burpees
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EMOM 10 Minutes 1 Snatch Pull with 2 Sec Pause in Extension + 1 Snatch Then…… Crossfit Triathlon–Choose 3 Bike 75/50 Cal Run 1600m Ski 1600m Row 2000m
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