WOD 5/13/13


WOD 5/13/13

Body Weight Warm-up Week 6


Front Squat: 5X5


10 Strict Toes to Bars
5 Pistol Progression #2 (One-legged Squats) on each leg. Yes, even if you have pistols you should preform this progression. You will pick a box that places the crease of hip below crease of knee in bottom of squat.

For those who won’t or can’t view video Pick appropriate box height (see above).  You will start on the box, feet to the back of the box, bend forward arms out, slide a straight leg down the back of the box till you hit the floor but ALL weight is on the squatting leg, touch with straight leg and return to standing position.  TIPS:  keep your squatting knee pressed out activating abductors and creating torque in the hip.  Don’t just lean forward but forward and slight rotation over the squatting knee.

It’s all explained in the video just click on Pistol Progression here or above




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