Partner Friday: 3 Min of Max rope climbs: then… 10 min Bear Complex, 155/105 Burpee over bar (ladder) *Ex: partners will alternate after each bear complex and burpees. then… 3 Min of Max rope climbs Notes: This workout has 3 sections but will be timed as one 16 min workout. Post total rope climbs and the highest rep scheme of burpees you and your partner get up to.
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Hang Clean 3-3-3 Then: 15-12-9-6-3 reps of: Deadlift Hang Clean Thruster (115#/85#) Strength Class Press 5×3 Hang Clean 3×3 Post Loads and Times to Comments:
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Trick or Treat for time! Post Loads and costumes to comments.
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CrossFitWC has power again! All classes are back on a normal schedule.
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We will be open during the 9:30, 12 noon 4 and 5pm classes. We still do not have power. Plan to be outside, dress appropriately. Please park around back so you don’t have to walk down the stairs in the dark. WOD 5 Rounds 400m Run 21 KBS 70/53 21 Pull-ups
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