The Following Tasks will be done with a partner. Add up totals between partners for each event. 15 Min Time Cap: 3 Attempts (each) to find a Max Broad Jump Establish Max Handstand Walk for distance (scale w/ assisted or max handstand hold) 3 Attempts (each) to establish max med ball throw, 20/14 Establish Max Weighted Pull-up Then…w/a partner 3 Rounds: 5 Rope Climbs 30 2fer1’s Wall Ball Shots, 20/14 250ft Wheel Barrow Walks *9:30am moms prepare accordingly Partner Wheel Barrows at the 2nd Box              
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Deadlift 15 Min to Find 1 Rep Max Then 15 Min Death By Deadlift and Burpee (275#/185#) Perform 1 Deadlift and 1 burpee the first min Perform 2 Dealifts and 2 burpees the second min etc… etc… When you fail to complete the round, start back at 1 until 15 min are up. Strength Class at 7:30pm Post Loads and total reps completed.
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12 Min EMOM: Even Minutes: Hang Squat Clean + High Hang Squat Clean + Jerk, Heavy Odd Minutes: Start with 10 DU and increase by 10 each odd minute (as long as you make the previous rep scheme) Then… 3 Rounds: 800m Run 30 C2B Pullups 15 Push Jerks, 135/95   We will be at Side Bar starting around 7:30pm for a going away happy hour for a few members  who are sadly moving away (Steph Dunlap, Kyrsten, and Corie) Please join us  for some cocktails!
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15 minutes 3 RM Touch and Go Snatch (any way) Then…. With a 10 Minute Cap: 3 Rounds 200m Run 10 Snatches (any way) 115/85 Then…. AMRAP 7 Minutes 100m Run 10 Slapping Pushups 20 Jumping Squats 45lbs for everyone   Don’t forget, CFWC’s 4 year anniversary party is this Saturday, August 3rd!! We will have a workout at 10am, then food and fun all day.  Feel free to bring your favorite side dish or drink. There is a sign up sheet at the front dest.  We will provide the pig roast!!     Jenny, Jimmy, Steve and Wing at our last party.    
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20 Min Barbell Complex: Clean +  Strict Press + Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk Lt foot and Split Jerk Rt foot. *Men Proceed in 10lbs increases, Women 5lbs Then… 3 Rounds: 20 Plate burpees (instead of jumping and clapping overhead you must jump onto a 25# plate ) 15 Toes 2 Bar 10 Touch-n-Goes  Note:  these will be headstand version and performed NOT against a wall 🙂  
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