5 x 250M Row Then: 10 min  Find 1 RM Jerk Then: 7 min Amrap 10 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95# 10 Box Jumps 36/30 Post stuff to comments: Register HERE now if you have not done so already.  Please speak to one of your coaches if you have any questions  
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EMOM 10 Min 20 Double Unders 3 Power Cleans @ 65% 1RM Then 30 Ring Muscle Ups for time or 100 Pullups for time. Post Results to Comments:
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Congrats to Maria on her Master’s Womens 6th place. Bob & Maria Fudala at Saturday’s 2014 Winter Warmer CF Comp. ALSO PLEASE WATCH THE WEBSITE AND FBOOK PAGE FOR CLASS CANCELLATIONS OR DELAYS Strength/Skill 5 rounds 5 Lower from inverted on rings Two Videos HERE and HERE 5 Skin the cats Then 50 reps Burpee/Push-up/Jumping-Jack/Sit-up/Handstand  To be completed as a body weight complex
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Endurance WOD 10 Rounds of: 400 Meter Run 10 Pullups 10 Burpees
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Power Snatch 3-3-2-2-1-1-1 Then: 2009 Crossfit Games Regional Event For time: Athletes must lift a barbell ground-to-overhead, any way they wish, to accumulate 7000/ 5000 lbs. Athletes can choose from the following weight/rep combinations: Men 155 lbs. x 46 reps 135 lbs. x 52 reps 95 lbs. x 74 reps 75 lbs. x 94 reps Women 100 lbs. x 50 reps 85 lbs. x 59 reps 65 lbs. x 77 reps 55 lbs. x 91 reps Post weights and times to comments:
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