10am Class Only! In Teams of 4: 2 people work at a time With a Pet Rock, 70lb/53lb For Time: 300 Pullups 400m Run, 70/53 400 Pushups 400m Run, 70/53 500 Situps 400m run, 70/53 600 Double Unders 400m Run, 70/53      
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10 Min EMOM – AHAP Power Clean Hang Squat Clean Push Press Push Jerk Then: 3 Rounds 30 OH Walk Lunge with 45/25 12 Dead Lift 245/165 12 Ring Dips 30 Lateral Hops over bar Post Loads and times to Comments:
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Skill AMRAP 7 minutes 10 Single leg Squats, Alt Legs 25 ft Handstands Walks Then…. 3 Rounds: 15 Power Cleans, 135/95 200m Run 12 C2b Pullups 200m Run 9 Box Jump, 30/24 Ladies Burnout Racer Tanks are Here!  
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Front Squat 3-3-3 Then….. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Thruster 135/95 Burpee Cash Out: 400m Run   Fudalalalala brought out the old school singlet for Saturday’s lifting meet.  He attended Council Rock High School back in the 1800’s
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