Front Squat: 5-5-5 Then… “Wacky Wiser Partner Friday” 400m run 21 Kb Snatches , 53/35 21 KB Snatches 8 Rope Climbs, alt with partner 15 Kb Snatches 15 KB Snatches 4 Rope Climbs 9 Kb Snatches 9 Kb Snatches 2 Rope climbs 400m run *Both partners will do KB Snatches at the same time but with opposite arms. You may not switch until both partners are done.  Rob Smith  
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5 x 1 Press x 2 Push Press x 3 Jerks Then 15 Min Ladder 25 Clean and Jerk 95#/65# 15 BoxJumps 20 Clean and Jerk 135#/95# 15 BoxJumps 15 Clean And Jerks 155#/105# 15 BoxJumps 10 Clean and Jerk 185#/125# 15 BoxJumps 5 Clean and Jerks 205#/140# 15 BoxJumps Clean and Jerk 225#/155# Max Effort Post Loads and Reps completed to Comments.
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7 Min EMOM Snatch start (Knee) + Snatch Pull (from ground) + Full Snatch (from ground) Then… For Time: Cash In: 400m Run 3 Rounds: 30 Walking Lunges, 45lb/25lb 15 C2B Pullups Then… Cash Out: 400m Run CLICK HERE to build your profiles! Mind-Body will be our new member software. All members are responsible for building their profiles by the end of August. During this process we will be moving your memberships over. Signing up for class through Mind-Body will begin as of Sept 1st. Mind Body Connect is the Free App you may use to sign up for classes and manage your account. The App will be activated within the next 24 hours.    
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All members have until the end of Aug to create their Mind Body Profiles. Simply, click HERE to begin!
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Back Squat 5-5-5 Then…. 7 Rounds 7 OHS 135/95 7 Ring Push Ups   Dan M- Sun’s out, guns out!
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