TEST: 1 Rep Max Front Squat  Then… “Wacky Wiser Partner Friday” 15 Minute Clock: 100 cal Row 50 Planking Burpees AMRAP remaining time:  Rope Climbs, 15 ft    
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Over Head Squat 3-3-3 Then *18 Min Cap 400 Meter Run 21 Over Head Squat (95/65) 21 Box Jumps 400 Meter Run 15 OverHead Squat (95/65) 15 Box Jumps 400 Meter Run 9 Overhead Squat (95/65) 9 Box Jumps Rest 1 Min Then: 2 Min Max Effort Ring Dips   Register today and support a Great Cause.   Click Here to Register
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Power Clean: 3-3-3 Then… AMRAP 10 Minutes: 10 Pistols, alt 10 Toes 2 Bar (sub v-ups) 10 Shoulder to OH, 135/95 —–3 minute break——- AMRAP 3 Minutes: M.E. Double Unders     REGISTRATION IS OPEN!
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Back Squat 2-2-2 @90-95% Then….. With a 17 Minute Running Clock AMRAP 5 Minutes 10 Wall Balls 20/15 10 feet 10 Chest to bar pullups 2 Minute Rest AMRAP 10 Minutes 200m Run 10 KB Swings 70/53 3 Bar Muscle Ups   If anyone tries to use these on you, please run.      
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Congrats to Coach Marco for his 5th Place Finish at the 2 day Pump Games and our gang who completed the Civilian Military Combine! Strength Skill: 5 Rounds for Quality (20 min cap) – 15 Squats. Descend counting to 3. Hold the bottom position for 3 seconds. Ascend as fast as you can. – 10 Push Ups. Descend counting to 3. Hold the bottom position for 3 seconds. Ascend as fast as you can – 5 Pull Ups. Ascend as fast as you can. Once you get the chin over the bar, hold for 3 seconds. Descend for 3 seconds. As a gage to scale I can preform 5-8 chin over bar strict pull-ups and needed a blue band to complete 5 rounds with the holds at a strict 3 secs -Foose Recover in Between rounds with Hollow Body position. Max one minute Then: Isabel 30 snatches for time 135/95...
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